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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

October 22

Regarding the preparation of rice by steaming and then drying, we can offer such rice even it is twice-cooked. Gaudiya Math offers, even during the presence of Prabhupada it was done, so there is no wrong. It is called sidha. I never took sidha except in Gaudiya Math.

Letter to Jayapataka, 22 October, 1972

October 21

The conclusion is not drawn from the analogy but from the sastra. We don't use a combination of logic and authority, we use authority. Logic we use to convince someone who doesn't accept the authority. The basic principle is authority. Vedas say that cowdung is pure and we accept it. There is no logic, but when we practically use it we see that it is correct.

Letter to Satsvarupa das Maharaja, 21 October, 1975

October 20

Every living entity has associated with a particular type of guna. There are three gunas, namely, goodness, passion, and ignorance, and if you mix them up, then it becomes nine. Three into three equal to nine. And again if you mix up, nine into nine, then it becomes eighty-one. Therefore there are eight million four hundred thousand species of life. Jalaja nava-laksani sthavara laksa-vimsati. Nine hundred thousand species in the water. Similarly, birds, beasts, trees, insects, animals. Then we come to the human form of life. These different types of bodies are meant for enjoying in a different spirit.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 13.22, Bombay, 20 October, 1973

October 19

Regarding Dr. Bagchee - we must always know that we are executing the topmost yoga system, Krishna Consciousness, and we do not require any inferior quality yoga system. You must have read in Bhagavad-gita in the 6th chap., last verse, that one who is constantly in Krishna Consciousness, he is the topmost yogi [Bg 6.47]. So the process which we have adopted cannot be compared even with any other yoga system. That is a fact.

Letter to Aniruddha, 19 October, 1968

October 18

One section of men has already gone out, therefore we must be very careful to maintain unity in diversity, and remember the story in Aesop's Fables of the father of many children with the bundle of sticks. When the father asked his children to break the bundle of sticks wrapped in a bag, none of them could do it. But, when they removed the sticks from the bag, and tried one by one, the sticks were easily broken. So this is the strength in unity. If we are bunched up, we can never be broken, but when divided, then we can become broken very easily.

Letter to Kirtanananda Maharaja, 18 October, 1973

October 17

Any civilization devoid of God consciousness or Krishna Consciousness, is no civilization at all. It is simply a polished type of animal society. This is the first point. So at the present moment, the modern civilization on the basis of so-called scientific knowledge and economic development is trying to avoid God consciousness, or Krishna Consciousness - that is the defect of the modern civilization. Therefore, in spite of all advancement it is zero. So zero has no value. And millions of zeros put together does not make any value. But one is put on the left side of the zero, it increases the value. Then one zero becomes 10, two zero becomes 100, three zero becomes 1000, so it is very nice. This point should be clearly discussed, that without God consciousness, Krishna Consciousness, any attempt of human civilization so-called philosophical or political or economical or labor, they are all zeros.

Letter to Rayarama, 17 October, 1968

October 16

Krishna is certainly one and different, but his oneness is stressed by the impersonalists which is distinct from our philosophy. Our philosophy of Krishna's oneness & difference is explained in the 9th ch, 4th verse of B.G. in which it is clearly stated that Krishna is one by distribution of his diverse energies. When Krishna controls his diverse energies he does not become impersonal.

Letter to, 16 October, 1967

October 15

Austerity, Krishna Consciousness, there is some austerity. So we should not be afraid of any condition. Narayana para sarve na kutascana bibhyati - that means, those who are in Krishna Consciousness, they are not afraid of anything. Either they are in hell, or heaven, for them, they are all equal. They do not make any distinction in the material world; this is good, or this is bad, this is hell, or this is heaven.

Letter to Rayarama, 15 October, 1968

October 14

Regarding children, when you are married you will have children undoubtedly, but you should wait for the opportune moment when Krishna will bestow upon you all good fortune. Our line of action is enthusiasm and patience.

Letter to Vrinda devi, 14 October, 1971

October 13

This obstacle by the Kazi is not new to our Krishna Consciousness Movement. It was there even during the time of Lord Caitanya, but we must steadily go on with our activities without caring for these so-called custodians of law. We are the most lawful citizens in the world, but if some demon Kazi gives stumbling to our execution of duties, we cannot abide by such order. I am very glad to learn that some of the Catholic priests are sympathetic with our movement. The government says "In God we trust'', and we are preaching the message of love of God, pleading with the people to become servants of God. So where is the cause of breaking the public peace? I am enclosing herewith a declaration of our Krishna Consciousness Movement which you may present in court if necessary. You depend on Krishna, try to face the charges by your best abilities and surely Krishna will help you. A similar charge was brought against our men in Philadelphia and the learned judge found that we are not culprit.

Letter to Pradyumna, 13 October, 1969
