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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

September 22

Regarding encroachment by Maya: There is every possibility, at every time, because we are living in the kingdom of Maya. Her influence upon us is very strong, but as indicated in the Bhagavad-gita, 7th chapter, that in spite of her very great influence over the living entities, a living entity as soon as he fully surrenders unto Krishna, the influence of Maya will no more act upon him. This is a fact. So the more we become stronger in our Krishna Consciousness, the more Maya is aloof from us.

Letter to Hayagriva, 22 September, 1968

September 21

In this season there are insects. They are called divali-poka, insect divali. Just in the evening they are born. And they flock together before a light, (sound imitation:) bawnh, bawnh, bawnh, bawnh, like that. And throughout the whole night they will do, and at the end of the night, in the morning, you will see, they are, in heap, they are lying dead. So their life, the duration of life is that night. Within that night they take their birth, they grow, they beget children, family, and defend, eat, mate. Everything is complete within the night. And at the end of the night, it is finished. So similarly, if to these flies, if you say, "Oh, we are dying like this, but there is human being. This is only one night. There is another day also of the same period. Then together, day and night, such thirty day and night makes their month. And such 12 months make their year. And such hundred years they live." So how the fly will understand? Similarly, we cannot understand. When the duration of life of Brahma is described, we think it is story. Similarly, they will think also story. Nothing is story. In the Vedic literatures all information are there. Their relative life, big and small, smaller than the smallest, bigger than the biggest. Don't think that these description in the Vedas, they are stories. They are not stories. They are facts. But we cannot accommodate in our poor teeny brain. That's all.

Lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.3.16 and Initiation, Los Angeles, September 21, 1972

September 20

After the span of life of Caksusa Manu, there is another inundation. And then again everything comes out gradually and the water dries. Just like you see the Pacific Ocean, it is drying. Of course, we shall not live, but if hundreds years after, if somebody comes here, he will see that the Los Angeles city has expanded and the Pacific Ocean has diminished. This is going on. In this way, one day will be, there will be no Pacific Ocean. And therefore, without water, everyone will die. Simply sunshine, bright sunshine. So then again, as there is after bright sunshine there is cloud and rain, similarly, again there will be rain. Then again there will be water. Samplave, inundation. This is going on.

Lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.3.15, Los Angeles, September 20, 1972

September 18

So far our Gurukula is concerned, we require some practical assistant who can teach the boys how to be controlled in the mind and senses, how to rise early in the morning, chant the Hare Krishna Maha-Mantra, go to the Yamuna for bathing, then study some Vedic literatures like the Bhagavad-gita and the Srimad-Bhagavatam, remain always for the benefit of the guru, and work for him as a menial servant. These things are recommended for the brahmacari. You will find the statement in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, Canto Seven, Chapter Twelve as follows, brahmacari gurukulae vasandanto gururohitam [SB 7.12.1]. I want my gurukula should be in that way, we don't want big big scholars, for doing research work; what research work they will do? Everything is in perfect order in the Vedic scriptures summarized so beautifully in the Srimad-Bhagavatam and the Bhagavad-gita is the primal study.

Letter to Dixit das, 18 September, 1976

September 17

Haridasa Thakura, how advanced he was just imagine. He was a young man, and a very nice, beautiful prostitute came there at dead of night, wanted to enjoy his company, and he said simply, "Very good idea. Please sit down. Let me finish my Hare Krsna mantra." Is it possible for ordinary man? No. It is not possible. That means he was expert, he was advanced. Caitanya Mahaprabhu has advised, iha haite sarva-siddhi haibe tomara. Caitanya Mahaprabhu has said, "Simply by chanting you'll get all success of life." Sarva-siddhi. It is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's blessing. Iha haite sarva-siddhi haibe tomara. By simply chanting one gets the highest perfection. That is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's blessing and gift. So we should be very careful and follow the regulative principles. Then automatically you'll be perfect. There is no doubt about it.

Leсture on Shrimad-Bhagavatam 1.7.20-21, Vrndavana, 17 September 1976

September 16

We sometimes worship our past leaders. In your country, George Washington, or in our country, Gandhi or somebody else. But this is false because you do not know where is that gentleman Washington has gone. We are simply worshiping a shadow. A photograph, a statue. But we do not know where is actually that spirit soul, his transmigration of the soul. The soul goes to another body and we foolishly worship the dead body, which is useless. This is called bhutejya. In Sanskrit language it is called bhutejya. Ghost worship. Yanti bhutani bhutejya. So this is only sentiment.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 6.40-42, New York, 16 September, 1966

September 15

I am hearing so many things about management. My request is that until I am able to return to the USA you all please work peacefully. At our next annual meeting at Mayapur all complaints and counter complaints will be heard in the presence of all GBC and I will also be present. In the meantime work peacefully without disturbing the situation.

Letter to Ramesvara das, 15 September, 1974

September 14

There is a big list of vairagya: "You cannot do this, you cannot do this, you cannot do this, you cannot do this..." And the whole list is summarized that "You cannot have any illicit connection with woman, you cannot eat any nonvegetarian dish, you cannot be addicted, any kind of intoxication, and you cannot take part in any kind of gambling." At least these four things... These four things include everything, all kinds of vairagya. So we have to test how much we have been able to discard these things. Then vairagya. Then I can control my mind. Controlling mind is not so easy thing that I go to the store and purchase something. No. Abhyasena tu kaunteya vairagyena ca grhyate [BG 6.35]. So this vairagya can be very easily practiced when you are in Krsna consciousness.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 6.32-40, New York, September 14, 1966

September 13

We are a small fragmental portion of God. God is supposed the lump of gold and we are a little particle of gold. So although we are little particle, by quality we are gold. God is gold, we are gold. So if you can understand your position, then you can understand God also. Just like from a bag of rice you take a few grains and see, then you can understand what is the quality of rice in the bag and you can evaluate it, price. So if you try to understand yourself, then you can understand what is God. Or other way, if you understand God, then you understand everything. One way is ascending process, one process is descending process.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 2.13, Mombassa, 13 September, 1971

September 12

The asuras, they do not know what they should do and what they should not do. That is asura. And a devotee, he knows what to do and what not to do. There is no illicit sex. That is "do not." But there is "do" also, that "If you want sex life, then get yourself married according to religious principle and get a wife and beget nice children." That is "do." And "No illicit sex," that is "do not." Side by side. "You do not take intoxicants" - that is "do not." But "You take Krsna prasadam and be intoxicated with Krsna's love" - that is "do." Similarly, "You do not indulge in gambling, but you indulge in gambling." What is that gambling? That gambling is "Dedicate your life to Krsna and see the result." That is also gambling. That is also gambling, because everyone is engaged in his own business, but if he's advised, "You give up this business. You take to this Krsna business," that is also gambling because he does not know what will happen.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 2.39, London, September 12, 1973
