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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

November 3

It is my personal opinion that at the present moment except for a few persons, practically there is no man in the world who is strictly religionist, Hindu, Moslem, Christian, Buddhist. In the ten commandments of the Bible it is clearly stated that, "Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not indulge in adultery, thou shalt not covet their servant or animals,'' but practically we see the so-called Christian world is full of the killing process reflected with adultery in every state encroaching upon other's property very organizedly. Similarly we find in India the so-called Hindu are doing all sorts of nonsense. So practically the whole world is without religion. Officially they claim some sectarian identification. Therefore, it is a fact that the religious principles of Krishna Consciousness which we are trying to preach under the direction of Lord Caitanya inducing people to chant HARE KRISHNA is the only panacea for the animalistic human society at the present moment.

Letter to Purusottama, 3 November, 1968

October 31

Brahmajyoti means combination of all the living entities, the spiritual sparks. To become one with the brahmajyoti means... Just like one bird enters into the green tree. It appears that it has become one. The tree is also green and the bird is also green. So when the bird enters the tree, it appears that the bird is now mixed up. But that is not the fact. The bird keeps his individuality, and at any time, when he wants, he can come out of the tree and fly anywhere. That independence is there, although apparently it seems that he has become one with the tree. Similarly, the sayujya-mukti means apparently he is in Brahman, but factually it is not. Because each individual soul is different.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 7.3, Vrndavana, 31 October, 1973

October 30

Get some Indian professor's opinions. Get a list of standing orders from Indian Universities. Take this opportunity for being well advertised. They are afraid. So many young men are being affected. They have rightly said that it is an epidemic. Let all the Indians say that this is bona fide. Have profuse testimony. Collect testimony in London and Toronto.

Letter to Tamala Krsna, 30 October, 1976

October 29

I approve your efforts to sue this Ted Patrick and his publisher. It must be done.

Letter to Ramesvara, 29 October, 1976

October 28

They are claiming they have gone to moon planet, this, that. But according to sastra, they are all cheaters. All cheaters. They cannot go. It is not so easy thing. Just like to enter your African city, African country, there are so many rules and regulations, immigration. And you want to go to the Candraloka without any restriction. Just see. Candraloka is the planet of the demigods. There the people live for ten thousands of years, they are so advanced. Their comforts are many thousands better than this standard of comfort. And you want to go there without any passport and without any visa. From common sense, can you enter anyone's country simply because you have got aeroplane? But these things are going on.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 7.2, Nairobi, 28 October, 1975

October 27

I was so glad to learn that you are acting exactly like a lion cub & I know that in the future you shall conquer ever many jackals. We have got experience in India that the jackals roar four times at night without any influence but the one roar of a lion drives away many elephants. The pressure Maya is elephant-like, big, but the roaring of Nrsimhadeva can drive away many elephants.

Letter to Rayarama, 27 October, 1967

October 26

I have received word from other centers that our literatures are very well received and often they are being used as course textbooks in the schools and colleges. You are already preaching on the university campuses, so you add this book distribution to your program and make it complete with preaching, chanting of Hare Krsna Mahamantra, distribution of Prasadam and literatures. I know how well this program is received by the students because they are very intelligent.

Letter to Nayana Bhirama, 26 October, 1970

October 25

You are taking care of the cows. That is cow puja. Don't bother with anything else. Keep yourself in Krsna consciousness by strictly observing the regulative principles and chanting sixteen rounds. Always keep engaged in Krsna's service.

Letter to Advaitacarya, 25 October, 1976

October 24

Similarly, Krsna has expanded this family. Ekam bahu syam. He has become so many living entities. What is the idea? Anandamayo 'bhyasat (Vedanta-sutra 1.1.12). Because He's anandamaya, He wants to enjoy the love exchange between the living entities. That is His purpose. Otherwise, why He has created? He wants love. But these rascals, they have forgotten that thing. They are saying, "There is no God. I am God. I am enjoyer." Instead of loving God, they are becoming "God." This has killed the whole situation. Therefore Krsna comes, and He wanted to reestablish that reciprocal exchange of love which is called bhakti. You love Krsna, and Krsna loves you. Krsna loves you, even without your love. Otherwise, how you are eating? You, why, you cannot live even for a moment without Krsna's mercy. That's a fact. Eko bahunam yo vidadhati kaman. So Krsna comes.

Lecture on Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.2.13, Vrndavana, 24 October, 1972

October 23

So we materialists, we don't take into consideration that birth, death, disease and old age are the greatest miseries of our life due to our ignorance. But this ignorance has to be removed if one has to become out of these clutches of birth, death, old age and disease. This is not possible to remove by the so-called material science. Material science cannot remove these miseries. They can remove temporary, something artificially, some of our miseries. Just like we are feeling little warm. If the room was, had been air conditioned, we could feel some comfort. That is temporary. But our ultimate miseries are these four things: jara-marana-moksa. Jara means old age and birth, death.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 7.28-8.6, New York, October 23, 1966
