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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

December 16

Those who think that they are these bodies and enjoyers of the material world, when they hear such preaching of the vaishnava, they may resist in so many ways and protest. But still a vaishnava must take compassion and must make every effort to try to help them understand their eternal relationship with Krishna. So one who utilizes his energy for this purporse is one who understands his real self interest. This is the highest self interest, to have no interest for oneself.

December 16, 1994, Odessa

December 15

Chanting should be performed with some feeling. Whether the emotion is hankering for Krishna, remorse, repentance, eagerness to chant more attentively, remembrance of our favorite pastime, or whatever, when there is some feeling, our chanting becomes less mechanical and more spontaneous.

Try to capture these moments of chanting with feeling, and take note of what you were thinking about when the feeling came to you. Repeat your chanting in the same way and gradually the feeling will become natural, and along with that will come the natural desire to increase your chanting.

December 15, 2006, Letter Govardhana

December 14

Krishna reveals Himself by our surrender to Him, through the instructions of guru, and that revelation is needed to increase our faith in the person who acts as the transparent medium in disciplic succession.

December 14, 1988, Letter to Karen

December 13

A devotee's desire is only to work for the satisfaction of the Lord.  He is freed from all reactions of work and ultimately he achieves the platform of pure Krishna consciousness and goes back home, back to Godhead, which is the goal and mission of this human form of life. 

Boston 1992

December 12

For this reason Krishna has given us these duties to perform, because by seriously accepting these duties, it will provoke an attraction to hearing and chanting about Krishna.

December 12, 1994, Simferopol

December 11

So we have to associate with such devotees who help us to understand the process of devotional service and by such devotional service we can enter into Vrindavan. Otherwise Vrindavan will always remain a mystery.

December 11, 1994, Simferopol

December 10

In order to purchase Krishna fully, one has to be freed from all material desires; he shouldn't desire anything whatsoever in the material world. Then Krishna becomes very pleased with that devotee.

Boston, December 1989 SB 1 8 27

December 9

One thing is for sure - that Krishna protects a surrendered soul. He gives that assurance. If He sees that a devotee is willing to accept any situation that Krishna puts him through, then Krishna will give him protection. A devotee finds great shelter and confidence in that realization.

Boston, December 1989 SB 1 8 27

December 8

When one acts in false ego, he can’t hear Krishna's instructions. He becomes lost. So this minute independence is there within the heart of every living being and the spiritual master must continue to give transcendental knowledge and the disciple must be a proper receptacle by which he can receive that transcendental knowledge.

December 8, 1994, Doneck

December 7

We are always eternal servants, whether we remember or we forget. It doesn’t change because we have forgotten. We are still eternal servants. But now where is that eternal service propensity being rendered? Being offered into the hands of illusory masters, who have so many expectations of us, because our constitutional nature is to render service. 

December 7, 1994, Doneck
