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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

December 6

The illusory energy of the Lord is so powerful, that when the living entity is covered by that illusory energy, he is convinced that he is not covered. He thinks that he is in perfect knowledge. That is how powerful the illusory energy is.

December 6, 1994, Doneck

December 5

So, when we start thinking, 'Results, results, results' and we lose sight of the proper motive for being out there distributing these books. Just simply make a humble effort to satisfy guru and Krishna, then we can avoid this type of mentality.

December 5, 1993, Moscow

December 4

We may have our will, but Krishna's will is supreme. So Krishna has given us this minute independence and we may try to exert our will upon others by cultivating this desire to give Krishna consciousness to others by approaching others and trying to induce them to take Krishna conscious literature, but Krishna's will is supreme. We have to leave the results up to Him. Then a devotee can remain peaceful.
December 4, 1993, Moscow

December 3

We should always be thinking that way, even if we are simply presenting a lecture of Krishna consciousness we should be thinking, 'I am presenting this lecture in such a way to try to attract people who are hearing this lecture to enter deeper into the subject matter by reading Srila Prabhupada's books." And therefore we should always speak in a such a way that we are speaking from Srila Prabhupada's books.

December 3, 1993, Moscow

December 2

So please catch this spirit and tax your brains to find the means to distribute as many of Srila Prabhupada's books as possible during the upcoming month, and be assured, Srila Prabhupada will smile from watching your endeavors.

December 2, 2006, Letter Taipei, Taiwan

December 1

And as soon as one makes some plan to spread the glories of the Lord and tries to execute this plan, then maya will thow so many obstacles on this path. These obstacles are there to help the devotee find his determination in devotional service.

December 1, 1994, Harkov

November 30

To that degree that one has some taste, one can make a commitment to the practices of sadhana bhakti. Without making a commitment to the practices of sadhana bhakti, it is very difficult to advance.

November 30, 2001, Almaty

November 29

In other words, devotional service must be rendered with a hankering to advance in spiritual life. This yearning must be within the heart. Then while hearing, while chanting, while utilizing our bodies for service to the Lord, gradually the meditation upon the pleasure of the Lord will increase more and more within the heart.

November 29, 2001, Almaty

November 28

Why is it that we don't always experience joyfulness? We have to understand that we don’t always experience the joyfulness of Krishna consciousness because we are still conditioned and need to purify our hearts. That still has to take place. We still have to give up sense gratification. But Lord Caitanya is making it easier. He is making it easier to give up sense gratification because first He is giving us the only means by which we can give up sense gratification. He is giving us Krishna's Holy Names.

November 28, 2007, Hartford

November 27

I have great conviction that Srila Prabhupada's blessings for this book distribution activity are so potent that they will continue to pour forth for many generations to come. I therefore also pray that Srila Prabhupada will pour his blessings upon all of you, and that you will all realize your goals for spreading Krishna consciousness in your prabhu datta desa.

November 27, 1997, Letter
