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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

October 27

Every living being by nature has to do something. Because a soul is eternal and the activity of the soul is desire, so everyone has to do something and not for a moment can the living entity be totally inactive.

Because desire is the eternal companion of the soul, one has to learn how to transform this desire: transform lust into love, transform work results into the work for the pleasure of the Supreme Lord. This is when one truly understands the difference between action and inaction.

October 27, 2007, Budapest

October 26

One who is fully realized, he does not think that “I have to do this service”. The fully realized devotee of the Lord, he wants to render service out of love.

October 26, 1996, Suharevo

October 25

Although you would like to be more recognized, and therefore due to the lack of recognition, you dwell upon your "false ego", your real glory will only come, when you realize that you are a servant, and not the controller. Krishna will give you all facility to do something wonderful for Him, but first learn how to be His servant, by serving His devotees! See it as your good fortune that you are being given so much opportunity to serve Krishna's devotees, and use your mind to improve the quality of that service. By genuinely developing this attitude, you will never be the loser, but only the gainer, a million times.


October 25, 1986, Letter

October 24

The best way to become free from suffering is to be fully engaged in devotional service to the Lord.

October 24, 2001, Kishiniov

October 23

It is not that it means that he is above the principles, it doesn’t mean that he doesn’t follow them. It simply means that he is not dependent upon them for his inspiration.

October 23, 2001, Kishiniov

October 22

It is not that we have the power to allow the name to enter our heart or to keep it out, but by the degree of our faith Krishna will appear and then Krishna will appear directly in front of you.

October 22, 2006, Kiev

October 21

The fruit of the endeavor of the devotee is to satisfy the Lord. That is considered to be the ultimate fruit.

October 21, 1999, St Peterburg

October 20

Sleeping in the spiritual world is in the state of dreaming, but that dreaming is only about Krishna. And Krishna is dealing with each of His devotees even in their dreams. Even Krishna dreams.

October 20, 2006, Kiev

October 19

So the sound of Krishna's flute, this is another way that Krishna captures the attention of the residents of Vrindavana, and immediately they are seeing Krishna, they remembering Krishna. This is the actual perfectional stage of life. This is that stage which is experienced by the residents of Vrindavana. They don’t know anyone except Krishna and they never think of Krishna as the Supreme Lord, but they are only seeing Krishna in terms of the relationship that they have with Krishna.

October 19, 2008, Hartford, USA

October 18

Because Krishna understands the devotee's attitude and accepts the essence of the devotee's service, this is the most important ingredient whenever offering anything for the satisfaction of the Lord.

October 18, 2009, New Vraja Dhama
