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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

October 7

Srila Prabhupada knew exactly what he was doing.  There is no question as to why Srila Prabhupada started the Sunday feast.  Maybe Srila Prabhupada didn't understand the circumstances we are in.  'It is very difficult, as we do not have enough devotees, we don't have enough laxmi.'  No, we actually have to think that this is our duty.  This is the fruit of everything we are doing, is to always invite people to our temple and to bring them closer to Krishna.  That was what the Sunday feast was started for.


October 6

A devotee should not try to question or understand everything about the Lord's plan, but it is the duty and responsibility of the devotee to simply be obedient to the Lord's plan.  Whatever the Lord asks of me, then one should be prepared to perform it.  In this way the surrendered soul who is always obedient to the will of the Lord will be instrumental to executing the Lord's plan, which is ultimately Krishna's desire and will manifest anyway.

SB 1.18.29
Montreal, Canada

October 5

Srila Prabhupada often spoke about the bodily conception of life as a diseased condition of life. It is diseased because we don’t actually understand what is really a healthy state of life. A healthy state of life  means to be fully self-realized, to be constantly conscious of one's spiritual identity as servant of God. This is somebody who is fully healthy.

October 5, 1995, St.Petersburg

October 4

The Supreme Lord will never manifest Himself to one who has no spiritual strength. For those who are not situated in such an exalted platform of prema bhakti, what is their hope? One actually has to understand that in order to obtain spiritual strength, one has to seek his strength from one who actually has strength.

October 4, 2004, Divnomorsk

October 3

There is no stagnation of the spiritual platform. The spiritual platform is ever increasingly dynamic. And why is that? Because the Lord is reciprocating.

October 3, 1999, Divnamorsk

October 2

What is the path of the mahajanas? Each of them were recognized for their greatness because of their ability to submit.

October 2, 2011, Budapest

October 1

Krishna is also a person. He is the most beautiful. He is the most wealthy. Who conquers Him? He is conquered when devotees serve Krishna because He is Krishna and they serve Him not because they want something from Him but they want to please Him. He becomes conquered by this type of Love.

October 1, 2007, Budapest

September 30

One who is situated in this spiritual vision doesn’t see the faults in others, because he sees that Krishna is there within everyone’s heart.  Still, he tries to help them and elevate them.  So, sometimes it may be necessary for him to point out a fault or to punish.  Not out of enmity, but out of compassion.

September 30, 1995, Novgorod

September 29

Myself, I can not do it, but I have faith that Krishna will bring me to that higher platform. That kind of faith is actually required to make sacrifices.

September 29, 2005, Dnepropetrovsk

September 28

The point is that we have no firm conviction of Krishna's existence until Krishna reveals Himself. That’s called realization, and there are different levels of realization and there are different levels of devotees. A neophyte devotee has no firm conviction because he has no realization, but he may have enough realization at least to understand that he has to follow some higher authority. If  that realization is there, that is the first step.

September 28, 1992, Almaty
