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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

September 7

By serving this devotee I am serving Krishna, by associating with this devotee I am hearing about Krishna. Krishna has to be there in all the activities. If Krishna is there and the goal is there, then we can do so many other things. We can work together, we can build together, and we can organize festivals together. But if Krishna is not there, then what is the value, what is going to be obtained? Simply some profit in the material world.

September 7, 2005, Odessa

September 6

We must always be seeking the blessings of the Lord and the sanction of the Lord for every endeavor that we embark upon. That is Lord Brahma's criteria for success.

September 6, 1992, Moscow

September 5

The whole advancement along the path of devotional service is an evolution of faith. So if you don’t have faith in the statements of scriptures, if you don’t have faith in the words of the spiritual master, if you don’t have faith in acintya shakti, you will never be able to understand it. Better forget it. That’s Prabhupada, saying, forget about it, you are never going to get there.

September 5, 2009, New Vraja Dhama

September 4

Although the Lord is particularly inclined toward His devotees, still the right to become a devotee is open to everyone, and that is exactly what Lord Caitanya appeared to establish by distributing the Holy Name of the Lord.

September 4, 1993, Minsk

September 3

Pleasure, pain, happiness and distress, honor or dishonor, they are all the same for the devotee, because a devotee is always dependent upon the good will of the Lord.

September 3, 1993, Minsk

September 2

Actually, the material world is compared to be like darkness, because in the material world we are always sleeping, because sleeping means forgetfulness.

September 2, 2001, Kiev

September 1

So in the same way if we simply call out to Krishna in this way “ He Govinda, He Gopal, Kesava, Madhava, Dina Dayal”… He is very merciful to those who are fallen.

September 1, 2006, Hartford

August 31

It is not that when one becomes Krishna conscious, he knows how many particles of sand are on the beach or in the desert. That’s not so important to know. Or not that he knows how many names are in the telephone directory. This is irrelevant. He knows what he needs to know to not to come back again into the material world.

August 31, 1991, Riga

August 30

Sometimes people will think that “My faith is weak, I don’t believe that Krishna exists”, because they haven’t learned how to see Krishna in their life from one day to the next. First one has to learn how to see Krishna in this way, before they can see Krishna dancing with the gopis.

August 30, 2005, Mogiliov

August 29

What is that tendency towards impersonalism? It is when one moves away from taking shelter in service and wants simply freedom from suffering.

August 29, 2003, Odessa
