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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

August 28

So this svarupa shakti, the Lord's internal potency, is coming from the Lord and manifest in the Holy Name and also manifest in the hearts of vaishnavas. Therefore, if we can serve the vaishnavas, we can actually become proper recipients for this svarup shakti to enter into our hearts. Then we get nourishment, we get strength, we get knowledge and we experience some bliss. This is the most blissful engagement. There is nothing more satisfying to the self than to serve the Supreme Lord and to serve the vaishnavas.

August 28, 2003, Odessa

August 27

Balarama means spiritual strength. So this spiritual strength is coming from the Supreme Lord. The strength to withstand the disturbances of material world, the strength to continue to serve Krishna despite whatever impediment comes is bestowed upon that devotee who always take shelter of the Lord in all circumstances. Krishna provides him unlimited strength because a devotee knows that it is not his own strength.

August 27, 1992, Lvov

August 26

Actually we are all looking to be self-satisfied, but we are so much under illusion that we think that the way to be self-satisfied is by attaching ourselves to material objects.

August 26, 2001, Simferopol

August 25

As much as one may try to clarify contradictions from the material platform, it is not possible. There is no way to reconcile contradictions from the material platform because it is described that material platform is a world of duality.

August 25, 1997, Kiev

August 24

We must always keep Krishna consciousness present. We must always face the light and not turn our backs on Krishna. As long as we are always moving toward Krishna, Krishna will see that our desire is to go forward, and when Krishna sees that that is our desire, He pulls. That is Krishna. He is all attractive.

August 24, 1992, Doneck

August 23

Diksa is the impregnation of transcendental knowledge, which is manifesting in the heart of the sincere disciple. But he must continue to water that seed in the form of transcendental instructions, so that the true fructification of the diksa can take place, so that one can establish his firm connection with Krishna, which is the ultimate goal of life.

Riga SB 1 1 22

August 22

So the substance should be there first, and then form will follow. And the substance is simply wanting to see others advancing in Krishna consciousness, and assisting the spiritual master in taking care of devotees, in helping devotees increase their faith in the process of Krishna consciousness and in the Holy Name of the Lord.

August 22, 2008, New Vraja Dhama

August 21

The best way to put Krishna first is to faithfully chant His names every day. There is nothing more inmortant in life than this. Please remember this and Krishna will give help and strength for you to come closer to Him in this life.

August, 21, 2005, Sri Vrindavana Dhama Letter

August 20

So that which is inconceivable can be understood if one accepts that the Lord has inconceivable energies, because by the inconceivable energies of the Supreme Lord, that which is inconceivable can be conceived. But without surrendering to the Lord, they will always remain inconceivable.

August 20, 2008, Budapest

August 19

It is very difficult sometimes to engage in devotional service when one is not getting any result. But the real result that we should be looking for is that our attachment for Krishna should be increasing and we can directly perceive this to the degree that we take up devotional service with an attitude of love of Krishna.

August 19, 1989, Moscow
