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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

August 8

I am firmly convinced that turbulence and constant change exists in everyone's life within in this world. But the one Personality whom we can find complete shelter in is Krishna. He gives His full assurance that He will protect His devotees under all circumstances. Such protection and our own conviction of that protection, enables one to be peaceful in all circumstances. By regularly chanting Krishna's names, we can gradually develop that complete conviction.

August 8, 1986, Letter to Lucille

August 7

The devotee, he doesn’t try to counteract his suffering by fruitive activities. The devotee simply goes on serving the Lord and by going on serving the Lord, gradually he loses awareness of his own distress.
August 7, 2002, Minsk

August 6

We may think ourselves comfortable, but material nature will not allow us to be satisfied without Krishna consciousness. Again, Krishna cannot be blamed for this. We can only blame ourselves for not turning to Krishna for our ultimate shelter.

August 6, 2002, Letter

August 5

Every learned person knows that attachment to the material is the cause of bondage for the living entities. When the same type of attachment is applied to the self-realized devotees, it opens the door to liberation.

August 5, 1992, Kiev

August 4

Before we actually become an eternal associate of the Lord, first we have to realize that we are Krishna's servants. Without actually becoming obedient to the Supreme Lord, one canot actually ever develop his love to the Supreme Lord. First, one has to become obedient. Therefore to become obedient means to become a candidate for spiritual advancement.

August 4, 1998, Tula

August 3

The vaishnava is one who is friendly to every living being. This doesn’t mean simply some sentimental friendship. A Vaishnava being friendly towards everyone means he is always trying to give everyone Krishna.

August 3, 1995, Novorossyisk

August 2

The spirit of enjoyment should be given up, and therefore there are so many examples of great exalted vaishnavas who had wealth, had family but they were not attached and because they were not so attached, they became so dear to the Lord that the Lord personally wanted to take care of them.

August 2, 1998, Suharevo

August 1

In other words, preaching doesn’t mean pointing out the faults and shortcomings in others.  This is not preaching but fault finding.  Preaching means seeing Krishna within everyone’s heart and by encouraging Krishna consciousness in others automatically the bad qualities will disappear.

Moscow, August 1995

July 31

But what should our austerities and penances be?   It should be to participate in the sankirtan movement of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, to willfully give one's life to the satisfaction of Caitanya Mahaprabhu by distribution of the holy name of the Lord.  It is recommended that this is the method of satisfying the Lord in this age of Kali.  

Boston 1990

July 30

Therefore we should never draw this foolish conclusion, as impersonalists do, to conclude that everything is Krishna's will. Everything is His desire. Whatever I do, I can enjoy sense gratification, it is Krishna's desire. If He wants me to do something else, then He will direct me to do something else. Right now He is directing me to do this. So although He is sanctioning, acting as a permitter, still He remains independent, therefore the living entity must simply turn to Him and follow His superior direction. That is the living entity's freedom of choice.

July 30, 1992, Moscow
