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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

August 18

For one who is always dependent upon the Lord, then there is never any cause for fear, because fear only comes from seeing things separate from Krishna.

August 18, 1992, Kharkov

August 17

If one becomes envious of the spiritual master, then one seals his fate, because then this transcendental knowledge will not become available. One's heart will become so filled with material desires as the result of such envy, and being already so full with those material desires, there will be no room for transcendental knowledge.

August 17, 1992, Dnepropetrovsk

August 16

It’s not that when one shaves his head, puts on a dhoti or a sari, or even lives in the ashram, that he has fulfilled all necessary requirements and his path is clear. He must also practice. He must become a disciple. Disciple means discipline. He must learn how to discipline himself and accept discipline from a superior authority to see that his time is also not wasted in idle activities such as engagement in idle talk or in pursuing unnecessary activities.
August 16, 1992, Dnepropetrovsk

August 15

We have to become free from external designations, because they are all temporary. This is the platform of realized knowledge. The only designation of the self which is eternal and constant, which continues after the death of this body, is the realization that “I am a servant of Krishna”. One who has realized that is always engaged in Krishna's service.

August 15, 1992, Dnepropetrovsk

August 14

In order to know what Krishna is seeing through His eyes we have to know Krishna, and Krishna says "One can only know Me by devotional service."

August 14, 2011, Almaty

August 13

To the degree that we are convinced that the nature of this world is to be full of calamities, then it increases the chance that we will turn to Krishna in the time of calamity.

August 13, 2005, Vitebsk

August 12

When one realizes the urgency of Krishna consciousness, then he realizes “No, right now I have to become Krishna conscious. Right now I have to begin practicing Krishna consciousness.”

August 12, 1999, Lipetsk

August 11

If one wants to advance in devotional service, that means that he wants to become more pure and more instrumental in pleasing the Lord. That’s what advancement in devotional service means. He becomes a better instrument. But it can become selfish also when a person thinks about his own advancement and doesn’t think of others.

August 11, 1999, Tula

August 10

The power of devotional service is that anxieties connected to this material world will gradually decrease. The devotee knows where to find his shelter. Because he find shelter in hearing and chanting, he can tolerate the upheavals of this material world. So even although he may not awaken fully his taste, he has faith that if I go on chanting, automatically all my subsidiary duties will be fulfilled.

August 10, 2002, Minsk

August 9

The pure devotee is not interested in looking for Krishna in behind some bush in Vrndavan, because he knows that Krishna is present in the instructions of the spiritual master. He knows that hearing the instruction of the spiritual master is as good as seeing the Supreme Personality of Godhead, because the Lord appears before the disciple in the instruction of the spiritual master.

August 9, 1993, Moscow
