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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

September 27

If we want Krishna's personal reciprocation, there is only one way to get it. That ingredient of love must be present in the offering. Otherwise we can’t get it.

September 27, 1995, Moscow

September 26

Everyone gets what they want except satisfaction. That is the key experience which is missed by all those who approach the Lord in impurely motivated ways.

September 26, 1992, Rostov

September 25

Everybody is making some plan, “Yes, I need something for myself.” But if we actually become anxious for Krishna, it’s very purifying. We advance in Krishna consciousness.

September 25, 1997, Minsk

September 24

So “sees with equal vision” means that he sees that everybody has potential to serve Krishna.

September 24, 1997, Minsk

September 23

This is the responsibility of the preacher: to awaken within the hearts those questions which are relevant to spiritual life. That’s what the whole movement is based upon.

Our movement is based upon distributing, giving to others. When you give to others something which is very relevant and very valuable and you are giving it without any expectation in return, then not only the message, but the method of giving will act on the heart in such a way that one will begin to ask those questions.

Therefore it is a duty of preachers to selflessly give Krishna to others. To give themselves, and to give Krishna to others in such a way that the hearts of others will be changed. That’s the whole process of distributing Krishna consciousness and the secret in this distribution is the selflessness.

September 23, 2004, Moscow

September 22

Rather then simply withdrawing the senses from sense objects, the bhakti yogi replaces all thoughts in the mind with thoughts related to Krishna. When the mind is filled with thoughts of Krishna, then all other thoughts will go away.

September 22, 1992, Kaunas

September 21

It is Krishna's instructions that drive away all the inferior types of instructions that weak intelligence gives us. To be successful replacement is always required, because there is no void anywhere in the creation of the Lord. 

September 21, 1992, Kaunas

Setpember 20

The real wealth of a vaishnava is that he has no material possessions, but he is fully satisfied in possessing his devotional service to the Supreme Lord.

September 20, 2009, Almaty

September 19

Humility is the natural characteristic of the soul, yet it is very difficult to be humble in this material world, because our existence in this material world is contrary to the principles of humility. So the way to develop humility is by always engaging in devotional service.

September 19, 1992, Vilnius

September 18

We do not know how greatly valuable the association of Vaishnavas is until we lose that association. Why should we wait until we lose it? When we have it, we should appreciate and utilize it properly by hearing and chanting in their association.

September 18, 2008, Ukraine festival
