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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

July 9

What constitutes something of great value? What makes it valuable? Everybody calculates that which is valuable in terms of some material opulence. But we should understand that this quality of being valuable can only be understood in relationship to Krishna.

July 9, 1993, Moscow

July 8

As soon as a devotee becomes attracted to Lord Caitanya's kirtan, he sees everything separate from that as suffering.

July 8, 1998, Suharevo

July 7

That is the difference between the devotee and the non devotee. The devotee has awakened his faith. Without faith there is no question of practicing bhakti yoga.

July 7, 2004, Lipetsk

July 6

As you know by now, spiritual life is not a mechanical process. We do not advance just by “punching the time clock” to report for devotional service. Krishna consciousness is a way of life, from morning to night, and even while we sleep.

July 6, 2006, Letter

July 5

Bhakti is not mechanical. Mechanical efforts will not produce bhakti. It has to start here – desire. So therefore, whatever you do, do whatever is necessary to increase that desire to remember Krishna.

July 5, 2003, Kishinev

July 4

Progress means we have to keep on going in the right direction, and if we don’t have a suitable test in proportion to our level of advancement, then how can we actually surrender? If we don’t surrender, how will we make progress? That is the path of saranagati. 

July 4, 2004, Moscow

July 3

The best way to speak the truth without distortion and deviation is by only speaking on topics related to Krishna. This is how a devotee is always truthful.
July 3, 1996, Kiev

July 2

As long as one has these unfulfilled desires, one can not be peaceful. He is looking “How can I fulfill my desires? How can I fulfill my desires?” But one who establishes his relationships with Krishna, then Krishna is always absorbed “Let Me fulfill all his desires.” Then Krishna fulfills all his desires. Nobody is thinking “How will I fulfill my desires?” Krishna fulfills all our desires, even better than we can fulfill them ourselves. He knows all of our desires and He satisfies all the spiritual desires in the hearts of His devotees.

July 2, 2005, Lipeck

July 1

You need to have faith that pure devotional service exists and is situated within the heart of pure devotees. If one has the eagerness to obtain it, then at least his devotional service has begun. One should look within the heart and should see where this eagerness comes from, because it has to come in contact with something else. Desire for pure devotional service can only be awakened within the heart by association with someone who has it. Otherwise it lies dormant.

July 1, 2005, Lipetsk

June 30

[People] follow various codes of religion to avoid suffering. But the desire to avoid suffering is not a selfless desire. Therefore the gopis are described to be on the transcendental platform, because they are not following any kind of religious or moral codes. They are breaking moral codes, but they are not afraid to suffer, because they are only thinking of Krishna's pleasure.

June 30, 2000, Kishiniov
