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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

June 29

When we understand our relationship with Krishna, we understand our relationship with everyone else. First we must know our relationship with Krishna. One who learns how to love Krishna, because he loves Krishna, he can love all of Krishna’s parts and parcels.

June 29, 1990, Izory

June 28

This is how a vaishnava overcomes these material urges - when he experiences a spiritual urge, which is the order of the spiritual master.

June 28, 1990, Izory

June 27

We don’t have to try to get recognition or to prove ourselves to others. If the Lord is pleased, then automatically we will be recognized. That is the perfection.

June 27, 2010, Kiev

June 26

Therefore the devotee always prays to the Lord “Please, I want to love You exclusively. I do not want anything else. Under all circumstances, whatever situations You put me in, don’t let me forget You. And because You are the Supreme enjoyer, my life is meant for Your pleasure. Please take me and use me as You wish. Let me be Your eternal servant.”

June 26, 2005, Moscow

June 25

The merciful Vaisnavas are always looking for sparks of devotion to fan. Remember that it is these sparks of devotion which will capture their attention. We may get attention by some other means, but if we are not humble, we will lose out on their mercy, which is far greater than just their attention.

June 25, 2003, Letter

June 24

In the same way we see that everyone in this material world, they are in a diseased condition, because they all think that they are these bodies. So they resist. “What is this person doing approaching me, telling me about God?” But we have to do it. This like a doctor, he has a duty, he has to help the patient. We also have to help materialists to awaken their attraction to Krishna. So out of compassion, devotees preach.

June 24, 1998, Gomel

June 23

We are meant to be attached to the Lord. Everybody wants to be attached to something. This is natural. Why? Because we are not self sufficient. If we were self sufficient we would simply be happy by ourselves. Therefore everybody is looking for something so that they can feel more complete.

June 23, 2001, Vladivostok

June 22

One has to see the potential for devotional service and see that devotional service is not dependent upon material qualities. Devotional service is not dependent upon material abilities. Devotional service is dependent upon one thing only – the sincere desire to render service to the Lord. And that potential is there within the heart of everyone.

June 22, 2001, Vladivostok

June 21

Krishna's mercy is available for everyone. So we should accept that mercy and allow Krishna to deal with us as He chooses. However Krishna deals with us, it’s always for our benefit. We should be happy that it’s Krishna and not Maya.

June 21, 2005, Doneck

June 20

One may think, ‘Now, let me think how I can use this for Krishna.’  But what does Krishna want? If  we think that we can automatically determine by our own criteria what Krishna wants, then we have forgotten Krishna.  This is the difficulty when one becomes diverted in his Krishna consciousness; he starts thinking that he is serving Krishna,  but actually he is only serving his own personal ambition.

June 20, 1996, Kishiniov
