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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

May 19

Because unless one can offer respect, how can he preach? Who will listen to him? Therefore to be an effective preacher, It means that he has to be able to see that Krishna is in everyone's heart. And therefore he has to respect everyone.

May 19, 1999, Sudak

May 18

Just know that if you ever have a choice of fulfilling your needs and those of your other family members by a different means of livelihood, which would be more conducive for your Krishna consciousness, as opposed to keeping the same means of livelihood just because you want to make more money so that you can give big donations for Krishna, then your Krishna consciousness is more important to me than big donations. I am happiest when my disciples are making progress in their Krishna consciousness. Everything else will follow in a natural way.

May 18, 2002, Letter

May 17

By meditating on the pleasure of the spiritual master, that it is also means ultimately for pleasing the Lord.

So although I worked so hard to prepare these quarters for Srila Prabhupada, he never saw them. And neither did he get to see the rest of the building that we worked so hard to prepare for Prabhupada as well. I took this as another lesson from Srila Prabhupada's constant book of lessons. Prabhupada was always forcing us to become internal and not to become dependent simply upon the external result for pleasing the spiritual master.

May 17, 2003, Lvov

May 16

And therefore once one begins devotional service, even one moment be having begun devotional service, it is very difficult to turn back.

May 16, 2004, Simferopol

May 15

Our life is meant for purification and for the pleasure of the Supreme Lord. And anybody who keeps this objective in his life and accepts simply some service for the Lord's pleasure, he will be recognized by the Lord.

May 15, 2005, Odessa

May 14

Unfortunately we see that sometimes we do not appreciate and we become familiar and the more we become familiar, the more we simply become drawn into ourselves. We can not appreciate others, we can not appreciate devotional qualities in others, we can not see the potential for devotional service in others and the result is our consciousness stays in a very low level. When that consciousness is in the low level, one actually has to look within himself, not look at the faults of others, and don’t blame others for his low level of consciousness.

May 14, 2003, Vinica

May 13

The process works, it’s a science. If one strictly follows, he will actually begin to experience all these problems go away and if one loses his determination to strictly follow, he loses his enthusiasm for the simple basic practices of Krishna consciousness and instead his mind starts becoming absorbed in personal comforts.

May 13, 1998, Dnepropetrovsk

May 12

What does it means when the Lord comes before the devotee? It means that devotee has conquered the Lord. It means that by that devotee’s life of dedication to the glorious pastimes of the Lord, the Lord becomes inclined to come before that devotee. And wherever there is the Lord, there is Vrndavan, there is Vaikuntha. Devotees already are in the spiritual world. He doesn’t have to think about going back to Godhead.

May 12, 1998, Dnepropetrovsk

May 11

Just as Arjuna would be given the chance to be given Krishna's army or Krishna Himself, Arjuna immediately accepted Krishna to fight for his side and rejected Krishna's army. He was not interested. In the same way we should understand that even though we may get the most powerful forces in this world, if we don’t have the mercy of the Lord, we cannot fight against maya. Therefore, this prayer for mercy, this prayer for protection, as Srila Prabhupada actually explains,  is chanting Hare Krishna--this is our prayer for protection. These chanted prayers for Nrsimhadeva are our prayer for protection. If we pray in this way, the Lord is very merciful.

May 11, 2006, Hartford

May 10

When the higher order is there, and the purity is there, then empowerment is there.  And when the empowerment is there, then those who come in contact with it, come in contact with Krishna. 

May 10, 2000, Kiev
