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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

April 9

This is a mentality of demoniac person. They want to be independent and make everyone dependent upon them. In other words they want to become Krishna.

April 9, 1992, Vilnius

April 8

So we have to stop calculating for ourselves, because we will never be peaceful that way. We simply have to learn how to depend on Krishna and work for the satisfaction of Krishna and that way we will remain unattached and free from bondage. This is the art of working, and it must be learned properly.

April 8, 1992, Minsk

April 7

By surrender to Krishna and engaging in devotional service one fills all obligations, automatically.  But if he doesn't understand that the goal of all Vedic wisdom is to know and serve God then he is bound by all these other duties.  Then he is bound to so many other illusory agents or masters who force him to perform so many various duties according to his dictation.

Boston, April 1990

April 6

There is no obstruction to the desire of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Whatever He desires – is reality. And when the Lord desires to appear primarily to satisfy His loving devotees within this material world, therefore He appears regularly in each and every universe and His pastimes are going on eternally, called Nitya Lila.

April 6, 2003, Hartford

April 5

Another word for devotional service is bhakti. Another word similar to devotional service is love. Love means to render service to somebody without any expectation of getting something in return.

April 5, 2009, Taichung

April 4

So [Sukadeva Goswami] was tasting Srimad Bhagavatam by his recitation of Srimad Bhagavatam and because he was tasting it, it became sweet for others to taste also. That’s how distribution of Krishna consciousness is meant to be performed.

April 4, 1999, Vilnius

April 3

Every action must be consistent with the conclusion that devotional service is the supreme activity for every living being.

April 3, 1998, Kiev

April 2

It is a heavy burden, but it’s a burden that one must accept, because the disciple is thinking about how to relieve the burden of the spiritual master. He is thinking “my spiritual master has accepted such a great burden to take responsibility for so many conditioned souls, to bring them back to Godhead.” So the disciple is thinking “let me relieve his burden.” The disciple therefore prays for the spiritual master “let me always be qualified” so that he does not become a burden on the spiritual master, but he helps relieve the burden of the spiritual master by accepting responsibility for other conditioned souls.

April 2, 1992, Odessa    - Darshan

April 1

If we don’t have any service, then there is no greater misfortune. And if we feel that we don’t have any service, then we should chant more sincerely. We should feelingly chant to Krishna, to please engage me in Your service, and Krishna will hear. It is all the work of His internal energy. Devotional service has nothing to do with this material world. No one can get devotional service by any material method, because devotional service is given by Krishna.

April 1, 1992, Odessa

March 31

Seeing everything connected to Krishna, means, that we also must be connected, for without that connection it is difficult to see.

Riga SB 1 1 22
