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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

March 20

We are always obligated, and we always find that although we are obligated to everyone, we can’t satisfy anyone. No matter what You do, they cannot be satisfied. Don’t you have this experience with family? No matter what you do, they will be satisfied temporarily, but they always want something else, because they can't be satisfied on the bodily platform. The soul can't be satisfied until it is engaged in Krishna's service. So actually, it is the best thing for them that one becomes a devotee. Because then there is hope that you can satisfy them. Of course they may not feel that way, but what can be done?

March 20, 1991, Kishiniov

March 19

There is only one solution to our problems. This material world is no place for any gentleman and we should not want to stay here any longer. The real solution is to go back to Godhead, and that’s why Krishna wants to bring every one of us back to the spiritual world.

March 19, 1991, Kishiniov

March 18

Sometimes we think we have many other things that we have to do in life, but sraddha means to have that firm conviction that "I need to fix my mind on Krishna, I need to take shelter of the Holy Name. In this situation I need to remember the Lord."

March 18, 2008, Chowpatty

March 17

There must be cooperation. I have told you what pleases me, but I am NOT pleased when my disciples try to circumvent their authorities. There must be mature relationships without personal ambitions. That means straightforward dealings. So please be straightforward with your authorities, and discuss your concerns in a mature way.

March 17, 2001, Letter Mumbai

March 16

Because if you are really focused and if you are really centered and really convinced, what does that do? It gives the devotee you are speaking to hope. It gives him hope, because everybody needs to have hope, that “ I can advance in Krishna consciousness”. That is necessary.

March 16, 2008, Farm near Mumbai

March 15

Do you endeavor for miseries? Nobody endeavors for miseries, but that comes. So it’s the same thing with happiness. That will also come as well as a result of our previous activities. So persons who are actually intelligent will endeavor for neither of them. They will simply endeavor to satisfy Krishna and by satisfying the Lord, by engaging in this process of hearing and chanting about Him, they will not become diverted in their activities, they will be able to keep the goal fixed in their mind and will be able to endure whatever difficulties that will happen to them by taking full shelter in Krishna consciousness. 

March 15, 1991,  Dnepropetrovsk

March 14

There are many things more that we could say about Sridhara Maharaja. He was a very wonderful devotee and the world has experienced a great loss. He was a vaishnava though and through. He had only one attachment: he just wanted to be Prabhupada's dog.

March 14, 2004, Kiev

March 13

It may be difficult to immediately understand how to put Krishna into the center of one's life, but the real science is to just simply change everything that one is doing and instead of doing it for oneself, to do it for Krishna. This does not necessarily mean that renunciation means to give up one's duty or occupation, however;  real renunciation is to do it for Krishna.  That is the perfection of renunciation.

March 13, 1991, Kiev

March 12

So that’s the first problem to tackle, is to make sure that one is not wasting any moment of time. Then when his schedule is so tight and his confidence increase that "now, as much as possible, I am not wasting any time," then he can also increase his efforts and maybe make some sacrifices in some areas. But he should always be very careful that he doesn’t sacrifice his Krishna consciousness. Because if he sacrifices his Krishna consciousness in the name of this increased effort, he could forget who he is doing it for and he will be finished.

March 12, 1991, Kiev

March 11

We have nothing to be proud of. Anyone who takes birth within this material world has nothing to be proud of, and unless we actually destroy this false pride, we will never get Krishna. We will never get the one that we need to make our zeroes significant. We have to destroy this pride, and the way to destroy it is simple: to become a menial servant.

March 11, 1993, Moscow
