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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

February 9

So many problems will arise due to weakness of heart. And deviations can arise too. But any devotee who has once tasted Krishna's association will never be able to forget that experience. That means that neither guru nor Krishna will ever forget him or her.

February 9, 2005, Letter

February 8

Krishna consciousness is a dynamic experience, and if we are fortunate to have the association of devotees who are experiencing it, our faith will only increase more and more. Therefore, each day we should pray to have the necessary association to help us progress.

February 8, 2002, Letter

February 7

We know that we accept everything favorable and we have to reject everything unfavorable. This is not the same as the accepting and rejecting of the mind, which is bhoga tyaga, but such accepting and rejecting as we understand on the basis of discriminating between what is pleasing to our spiritual master and what is not pleasing.

February 7,  2012, Chowpatty

February 6

"What do I want? What I want only is Your causeless mercy of devotional service in my life - even if it means birth after birth after birth."  A devotee is praying like that. Even if it means I have to take birth again and again and again - that's OK. Let me take birth again and again and again, as long as I have Your devotional service in my life - that is my satisfaction. Even if I have to come again in the material world. A devotee prays like that.

February 6, 1995, Ottawa

February 5

Please take this as a word of caution, and whomever you are driving with, please remind them to drive extra cautiously during the winter months. Of course, whoever is driving a car full of devotees should "always" drive extra cautiously. It is very rare to find a devotee in this material world. We should always be conscious of this, and should never take any unnecessary risks on their lives.

February 5, 2002, Letter

February 4

Love means to be able to serve continuously. Love is eternal. There should be no end to such love. In the material world everything comes to the end but love, real love means never ending. So therefore such love is only being experienced with Krishna because only Krishna can invoke such an attitude of rendering service to Him by which we can continue to serve Him without any expectation in return eternally.

February 4, 1997, Bryansk

February 3

No one becomes purified by the association of persons who are proud, in a position of false prestige, thinking themselves to be a brahmana.  Whereas even if a person is born into family of candalas, if he’s a devotee, then immediately he’s considered to be on a far superior platform than a proud brahmana in a position of false prestige.  So it was on that basis that Srila Prabhupada expanded the Krishna Consciousness movement. 

( Unknown time and place. Caitanya Caritamrita)

February 2

So that confidential knowledge of the Supreme Personality of Godhead can be revealed within the heart of that person who qualifies himself for that confidential knowledge. And such confidential knowledge of pure unalloyed devotional service can not be so easily explained for such persons who don’t have that qualification.

February 2, 1998, Moscow

February 1

A devotee who constantly feels the Lord's presence can be relieved from all anxieties of this material world. Therefore, if one does not practice with faith the activities which invoke remembrance of Krishna, one will not experience this relief. It is as simple as that.

February 1, 1997, Letter

January 31

It is a duty of a disciple to offer different types of comfort. Whether the spiritual master accepts or not, that’s his prerogative. He may accept, he may not accept, that’s his choice,  but it is a duty of the disciple to offer all kinds of services.

January 31, 1998, St Petersburg
