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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

January 20

Preaching means giving Krishna. We give Krishna in the form of transcendental sound vibration, in the form of the Holy Name, in the form of Srila Prabhupada's books, in the form of Krishna prasadam. Certainly this is how we can give Krishna to others and then everything else will follow. But preaching also begins amongst the devotees.

January 20, 2002, Moscow

January 19

Progress means feeling that we are unworthy of mercy, we are in need of more and more mercy, and that we are not doing enough service for Krishna's pleasure.

January 19, 2007, Letter

January 18

I hope that my disciples can mature enough to realize that Krishna manifests Himself through the association of those devotees who bind Him with love. It is not that just because Srila Prabhupada invoked Krishna's presence within ISKCON, that He (Krishna) will always remain bound within every aspect of the institution after Prabhupada's departure.

January 18, 1997, Letter

January 17

When the Lord gives benedictions, He is giving  benedictions for the ultimate interest of His devotee. He is thinking how to bring His devotee closer to His lotus feet.

So to get the attention of the Lord we have to have that unflinching faith and devotion. Otherwise if we perform severe austerities, but if there is any pride or any desire of prestige or recognition from these austerities, it is simply a show. Somebody else may look, but Krishna, His attention will never go there.

January 17, 2008, Budapest

January 16

It is not such a great austerity to rise early in the morning, to take cold showers.  Srila Prabhupada says, 'This is not a great austerity, this is hygiene!'  But sometimes we are thinking these things are so difficult.  But our austerity is to participate in the sankirtan movement and by such full active participation the Lord becomes pleased.  When the Lord is pleased, then the devotee automatically advances in Krishna consciousness. 

Boston 1990

January 15

Krishna wants to give credit to all of His devotees. But we have to be prepared to accept that, even when a devotee doesn’t want credit. We have to be prepared to accept the credit that Krishna wishes to give to us, but that means that we have to be prepared to accept whatever difficulties we may have to confront in the process. That means that responsible devotees are required. 

January 15, 1996, Kiev

January 14

Nothing is not connected to Krishna. Everything is connected to Krishna. But material means not connected to Krishna. Therefore what makes something material? It is our perception, when we see it separate from Krishna.

January 14, 1998, Kiev

January 13

One doesn’t have to make extra endeavors to develop good qualities because all these good qualities are actually natural characteristics of the soul.

If one simply learns how to direct his intelligence towards Krishna, it is like facing the sun – everything is bright. With purified intelligence one will make progress to the ultimate goal of life by getting direction from within the heart, from Supersoul, and without from the scriptures and from the vaishnavas.

January 13, 2008, Budapest

January 12

One person can have a completely unmotivated desire to go back to Godhead and another one may have a completely motivated desire to go back to Godhead. It depends on what is still there within the heart. But if one comes in contact with Krishna, whether one has no desires or he is filled with desires, the intelligent person will worship Krishna in all circumstances.

January 12, 1997, Moscow

January 11

In other words why does he control the urge to speak? Why is he controlling his anger? Why is he controlling his mind? He is able to control, because he is patient. What is the basis of his patience? There is a very, very, very simple, fundamental point which forms the basis of his patience. He is patient because he knows that Krishna will take care of him. Therefore he is patient.

January 11, 1997, Moscow
