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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

December 11

So we have to associate with those devotees who help us to understand the process of devotional service, and by such devotional service we can enter into Vrndavana. Otherwise Vrndavana will always remain a mystery.

December 11, 1994, Simferopol

December 10

A devotee should not try to question or understand everything about the Lord's plan, but it is the duty and responsibility of the devotee to simply be obedient to the Lord's plan.  Whatever the Lord asks of you, then one should be prepared to perform it.  In this way, the surrendered soul who is always obedient to the will of the Lord will be instrumental in executing the Lord's plan ultimately, which is Krishna's desire and will manifest anyway.

SB 1.18.29
Montreal, Canada

December 9

We have to perform sankirtana-yagna.  When we make our topic of conversation more centered upon Krishna and less centered upon these bodily designations then we will be able to transcend it, that is our duty.   Therefore, because we are not so much inclined, the formality is there to hear and chant everyday in the association of  Vaisnava's - we should feel duty bound! 

Belgium, May 1990

December 8

So if one sees that his devotion to Krishna is not increasing, it is due to the association of asat. If he has a particular attachment within the heart and if he associates with those things which increase this attachment, then such attachment can actually choke the growth of devotional creeper.

December 8, 1994, Doneck

December 7

We are always eternal servants, whether we remember or we forget. It doesn’t change because we have forgotten. We are still eternal servants. But now where is that eternal service propensity being rendered? Being offered into the hands of illusory masters, who have so many expectations of us, because our constitutional nature is to render service. 

December 7, 1994, Doneck

December 6

The illusory energy of the Lord is so powerful that when when the living entity is covered by that illusory energy, he is convinced that he is not covered. He thinks that he is in perfect knowledge. That is how powerful the illusory energy is.

December 6, 1994, Doneck

December 5

So, if we are enthusiastic, we can convince people that love of God is something that is very wonderful to develop, something very wonderful to distribute. Shouldn't we be enthusiastic to distribute it? If we are not enthusiastic, then we've forgotten what we're distributing.

December 5, 1993, Moscow

December 4

If He sees that our desire is so strong, that we genuinely want this person to take one of Srila Prabhupada's books, the Lord can dictate in such a way that the person will actually take the book.

December 4, 1993, Moscow

December 3

So, this is also part of expanding Srila Prabhupada's preaching mission, educating the children to become preachers of Krisna consciousness, or whether we are distributing prasadam, doing temple administration, what to speak of organizing the sankirtana. Srila Prabhupada said that it is very, very important service to organize the sankirtana.

December 3, 1993, Moscow

December 2

If one is actually a member of the Krishna consciousness movement, and he thinks that his activities are separate from the mission of book distribution, he has not understood his membership. So the Prabhupada marathon is the time of year which is meant to remind everybody what it means to be a member of the Krishna consciousness movement.

December 2, 1993, Moscow
