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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

November 1

That is the goal of all of our activities in sadhana bhakti – somehow or other our mind has to become attached to Krishna. So these are the most powerful ways: hearing about Krishna, chanting Hare Krishna and speaking about Krishna.

November 1, 2001, Dnepropetrovsk

October 31

The most important characteristic in the execution of our duties in vaidhi sadhana bhakti is the desire and hankering to become attached to Krishna. That is the most important.

October 31, 2001, Dnepropetrovsk

October 30

Krishna is supremely independent, which means that he can do whatever He wishes. The living entity is minutely independent, which means that he can serve Krishna or serve maya.

October 30, 1993, Moscow

October 29

There may be many powerful personalities in this world, who have become artificially powerful by their strength, by their wealth, by their fame. They may try to control so many others with their power and strength, but this power is so insignificant in comparison to the power of love.

October 29, 2006, Moscow

October 28

The regulative principles of bhakti yoga means to regulate one's senses in the service of the Lord. This means to regulate our ears to hear the pastimes of the Lord and our tongue for speaking about the Lord. By becoming obedient to the Lord in this way, gradually one will become attracted to pure spontaneous devotional service to the Lord.

October 28, 2007, Budapest

October 27

Every living being by nature has to do something, because a soul is eternal and the activity of the soul is desire. Everyone has to do something, and not for a moment can a living entity be totally inactive.

Because desire is the eternal companion of the soul, one has to learn how to transform this desire:  transform lust into love, transform the results of work into work for the pleasure of the Supreme Lord. This is when one truly understands the difference between action and inaction.

October 27, 2007, Budapest

October 26

One who is fully realized, he does not think that “I have to do this service”. The fully realized devotee of the Lord, he wants to render service out of love.

October 26, 1996, Suharevo

October 25

Although you would like to be more recognized, and therefore due to the lack of recognition, you dwell upon your "false ego", your real glory will only come when you realize that you are a servant, and not the controller. Krishna will give you all facility to do something wonderful for Him, but first learn how to be His servant, by serving His devotees! See it as your good fortune that you are being given so much opportunity to serve Krishna's devotees, and use your mind to improve the quality of that service. By genuinely developing this attitude, you will never be the loser, but only the gainer, a million times.

October 25, 1986, Letter

October 24

Srila Prabhupada explains in Caitanya Caritamrta that one may even accept diksa through authorized disciplic succession, but still it can be found that he will preach Mayavada philosophy. So it is not the diksa itself which establishes real connection to the sampradaya, it is siksa, or strict following of the instructions. Although both siksa and diksa are required for one to be connected to the authorized sampradaya, still the primary connection is through siksa.

Riga (date unknown)

October 23

So this is how sadhana bhakti is practiced. It is not with a yearning to get it over with, because we are yearning to do other things. That’s mechanical sadhana bhakti.

October 23, 2001, Kishiniov
