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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

December 1

And as soon as one makes some plan to spread the glories of the Lord and tries to execute this plan, then maya will throw so many obstacles on this path. These obstacles are there to help the devotee with his determination in devotional service.

December 1, 1994, Harkov

November 30

One cannot actually become fully renounced until he has become fully dependent upon Krishna.

November 30, 1994, Harkov

November 29

This is the power of a vaishnava. A vaishnava is so powerful because he brings Krishna into the presence of others and by his preaching, by his intense desire to please and satisfy the Lord, then Krishna acts in such a way and cleanses the desire for material enjoyment within the heart of those persons who hear such a vaishnava.

November 29, 1994,  Charkov SB

November 28

Why is it we don’t always experience joyfulness? We have to understand we don’t always experience joyfulness in Krishna consciousness because we are still conditioned and need to purify our hearts. That still has to take place. We still have to give up sense gratification. But Lord Caitanya is making it easier. He is making it easier to give up sense gratification because first He is giving us the only means by which we can give up sense gratification. He is giving us Krishna's Holy Names.

November 28, 2007, Hartford

November 27

I am very pleased to hear that all of you are still feeling the weight and are nicely planning your marathon. Please know that I am very grateful to those devotees who take up this important missionary work because it is so pleasing to Srila Prabhupada.

November 27, 1997, Letter

November 26

So Krishna will help you, but you must show Him that you want His help, by praying and chanting. Chanting Hare Krishna means "O Lord, energy of the Lord, please engage me in your service". Krishna will certainly reciprocate with one who chants with sincerity. But without chanting it is virtually impossible to develop the required devotional mentality to gain Krishna's favor.

November 26, 1986, Letter to Elise

November 25

If we are neglectful of our chanting we will not feel a connection with the spiritual master. We will think my connection depends upon some temporary connection, that my spiritual master is someone who comes to take care of my problems, but the root of all our problems is inattentive chanting.

November 25, 2001, St.Petersburg

November 24

Regarding a "method" to help you overcome the sadness of old age, the method is to arm yourself with the weapon of knowledge of the self. One has to gain this knowledge not only by study and hearing, but by practical engagement in a way that corresponds to one's status in life.

November 24, 1999, Letter

November 23

Simply studying Bhagavad Gita is not sufficient in itself to know Krishna, but if we simply hear the message of Bhagavad Gita, even if we only hear one sentence, that can be sufficient to give one perfection of life, because as soon as one actually hears the message of Bhagavad Gita, then his life of devotion to Krishna can begin. That is all that is required to go back to Godhead.

November 23, 1991, St. Petersburg

November 22

Don't let this lifetime pass without at least once experiencing this taste of pushing for Prabhupada. Prabhupada is not a miserly person. That same taste that he gave to his direct followers is just as accessible for generations and generations to come. But, it's also a mystery. It can't be experienced unless that desire has been awakened within the heart to do something that really pleases Prabhupada.

November 22, 2009, Budapest
