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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

November 21

That’s the worst situation to be in - to think that I can be happy and forget Krishna.

November 21, 2007, Boston

November 20

Krishna actually cares for all of us, but we actually have to show Krishna that we want Him to care. Otherwise He will let us do what we want.

November 20, 1998, Almaty

November 19

As for the great devotees, they are severely tested, but they pass the test. Krishna will never give a devotee a test that he cannot pass, but for the pure devotee Krishna may give a very severe test, but He does that to glorify his devotee.

November 19, 1998, Almaty

November 18

We receive the holy name of the Lord from the spiritual master, we chant with faith and we serve that holy name by distributing the glories of the holy name of the Lord to others.

November 18, 2001, Moscow

November 17

We should not think that the temple is the place designed to facilitate *my* desires. We are supposed to be cultivating the consciousness that we are eternal servants of Krishna--not that Krishna is meant to serve me.

November 17, 1995, Letter

November 16

Until we come in contact with the Holy Name of the Lord, there is no solution. All there is, is mental speculation, mental concoction and stop gap remedial measures for the prevailing problems of Kali Yuga.

November 16, 2006, Boston

November 15

Our connection with the Holy Name is our connection with Krishna. If our connection with the Holy Name and with Krishna is non-different, then that’s an eternal connection. We are eternal servants of Krishna: jivera svarupa haya—krsnera nitya-dasa (CC Madhya 20.108).

November 15, 2001, Kiev

November 14

Nobody can be satisfied if they simply think "how can I simply do enough to maintain the body?" It doesn’t work. It never did. It never will. It can’t satisfy the self. There has to be Krishna consciousness.

November 14, 1998, Perm

November 13

Sacrifice means to perform a sacrifice for the benefit of others. And it also means that their lives are also meant to be a sacrifice. Household life is a sacrifice. It's voluntarily accepting this sacrifice to live together for a period of time throughout your life and to perform your responsibilities and duties as householders together.

November 13, 2009, Kiev

November 12

One can dovetail the propensities of others in Krishna's service only if he is detached, because then he can take their service and offer it to Krishna; but if he is attached, he will think “I will take their service and will offer it to my attachments."

November 12, 2001, Kharkov
