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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

November 11

What is that bliss? What is that pleasure that everybody is seeking after? That bliss can only be experienced when one realizes their completeness in relationship with Krishna.

November 11, 2012, Kiev

November 10

When a devotee's mind is peaceful, he is very strict with himself, but he is very liberal toward others.

November 10, 2001, Kharkov

November 9

Therefore, a devotee can be tolerant in any situation, and not become disturbed - He is able to achieve a state of peacefulness. A devotee does not blame others for his suffering but accepts the suffering and misfortune as his own doing.

BG 3.8 -12

November 8

We are supposed to be attached to Krishna, but because of lust, we become attached to somebody else. So we have to purify that lust by increasing our attachment to Krishna and then that lust comes back to its original form which is love for Krishna.

November 8, 1994, Kaliningrad

November 7

We should understand that if we want to achieve a position similar to mother Yasoda and engage in this kevala or unalloyed bhakti to the Supreme Lord, then we must learn from this pastime that we must be prepared to be tirelessly engage in rendering service and worshiping the Supreme Lord with great endevour.

November 7, 2010, Budapest

November 6

Krishna removes obstacles for the devotee. We can’t remove the obstacles. In other words, the obstacles are the desires that are there within the heart. They are real obstacles. Whatever desires are there within the heart, we find ourselves being tested according to those desires. So there will be a particular test according to the proportion of the particular advancement in Krishna consciousness.

November 6, 1998, Vladivostok

November 5

So everyone was tuned into Prabhupada's desire and the message was clear, it entered the ear, but it didn't stop there. Once it went into the ear, it went into the heart, and then there was sort of like an explosion, a complete outburst of wanting to do what was pleasing to Prabhupada.

November 5, 2009, Minsk

November 4

This is the actual state of every conditioned soul. There are no exceptions. As long as we are conditioned, as long as we have a material body and we have not established our eternal connection with the Lord, we are incomplete. And because we are incomplete, we are always looking for something to compensate that incompleteness. Only those who are self-satisfied are complete.

November 4, 2009, Minsk

November 3

The symptom the one who is always absorbed in devotional service is that he attracts others to devotional service.

November 3, 1998, Novosibirsk

November 2

If one is motivated by the desire for sense gratification, if one thinks “Oh yes, I can have regulated sense gratification. There is license for sense gratification.” Then what happens is that he begins to think about how he can get this sense gratification. And then more within his heart he is meditating on the sense gratification, the more he is simply indulging in these activities of sense gratification and Krishna will never appear within his heart and devotional service will never manifest within his heart until he is completely disgusted with the thought of sense gratification.

November 2, 1996, Ekaterinburg
