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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

January 30

So the Lord agrees to come. Devotees bring Him. By their desire to bring the Lord, He agrees to come. He manifests Himself in sound.

January 30, 2012, Vitebsk

January 29

We are getting strength from within. We are getting our strength from depending on Krishna. We become strong by accepting Krishna's protection.

January 29, 2012, Minsk

January 28

The more a devotee is sheltered in devotional service, the more he can give shelter to others - that is our duty.  Our duty is not only to undermine and cut away at their materialistic world view, but to show them that their is shelter at Krishna's lotus feet.

Boston 1992

January 27

That should be the single most focused motivation in our efforts to preach to somebody else, "how can I make them attached to Guru and Krishna and increase their faith in the process of devotional service?" If we see everyone in that way, then Krishna will inspire us to speak just what they need to hear to advance in Krishna consciousness.

January 27, 2008, Pune Yatra

January 26

It is not that desirelessness means no desires. Desirelessness means that all my desires are completely fulfilled. Only Krishna can fulfill all desires.

January 26, 1996, Dnepropetrovsk

January 25

If one is always conscious of the goal and he always conscious of the Lord in all of his endeavors, then Krishna will help him by giving him a higher taste.

January 25, 1997, Sudak

January 24

Hearing and chanting without inspiration can become simply another ritual. But when a devotee is genuinely inspired, he can have a positive influence on others.

January 24, 2007, Letter

January 23

So therefore in loving dealings, for the devotee who is always anxious to please the Lord, the Lord is always inclined to bestow His mercy upon that devotee. And as we said, that bestowed mercy upon that devotee, we have to be prepared to accept in whatever way, shape or form the Lord will give it to us. That’s how the Lord reciprocates our loving service.

January 23, 2005, Pune yatra

January 22

But, as we are BOTH aware, maya is very strong. Without regular doses of Krishna consciousness, we can be swept away into her clutches and not even be aware that it is happening or that it has already happened. In the absence of physical association, execution of instructions (both past and present) become the foundation for protection against maya, of which chanting is of the utmost importance.

January 22, 2002, Letter

January 21

Krishna agrees to appear in the words of the devotees who are presenting this transcendental subject matter purely and Srila Prabhupada refers to that also by explaining that Caitanya Caritamrita contains nothing newly manufactured by his tiny brains, but only remnants of food originally eaten by the Lord Himself. This is not a small claim, the remnants of the Supreme Personality of Godhead are considered to be fully potent, nondifferent then the Supreme Lord. and because of the potency of such remnants, even the greatest devotees of the Lord are always seeking these remnants of the Lord.

January 21, 2012, Budapest
