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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

February 19

The real result we are looking for is to increase our attachment to Krishna, to please the Lord by our efforts.  That is the real result, TO SATISFY THE LORD.

Reading from the 'Nectar of book distribution' in Hartford, 1992

February 18

It is not by our own efforts that we can know Krishna. Krishna can only be known when He lets Himself be known. Even if we want to think of Krishna, Krishna has to agree to appear in our minds. That’s what it means to be Supreme. He is Supreme and therefore He can do whatever He wants. So if we want to overcome the influence of illusory energy, one has to feel himself completely dependent on Krishna.

February 18, 1994, Riga

February 17

Too many times people act impulsively to break free from suffering. However, when the suffering goes away, they fall back to their previous habits again. Do not act impulsively for relief from your suffering. Arm yourself with the proper knowledge so that you will not fall back again. Knowledge and renunciation will come in proportion to the degree that you attach yourself to hearing and chanting about Krishna.

February 17, 2002, Letter

February 16

We must try to come closer to the spiritual master by associating with those who are more closely associated with him. This is the true meaning of dasa dasa anudasa, to become the servant of the servant of the servant of the Guru and Krishna. Those who are closer to him are those who have surrendered to molding their lives around the order of the spiritual master and teachings of the previous acaryas.

February 16, 2003, Letter

February 15

That is how a devotee must think. "How can I get him to take shelter at the lotus feet of Krishna?" So when a devotee actually has that desire within his heart, then he preaches with that strong desire and Krishna helps.

February 15, 1994, Riga

February 14

The tendency of the mind is to see things in connection to the self. When we see a beautiful object, we think, "Let me enjoy the object." We hear a beautiful song, we think, "Let me enjoy the sound. Sound is for my pleasure." When we see something that definitely can offer some enjoyment for our senses, whether that be the tongue, the ears, the eyes, or the sense of touch - immediately we think, "Yes, let me take it and enjoy it for myself." So, one who sees things this way, he doesn't see Krishna. It is very difficult for him to see Krishna. He doesn't have eyes to see Krishna, because Krishna cannot be seen with these blunt material senses.

February 14, 2010, Budapest

February 13

When there are affectionate dealings between devotees based upon Krishna conscious exchanges, devotees become bound in these ropes of affection and help each other make progress in Krishna
consciousness. What better service could you render to me and to others than to take part in helping devotees remain in Krishna consciousness throughout their whole lives? Thank you very much.

February 13, 2002, Letter

February 12

If a disciple is situated in some sentimental platform, then how can his faith actually become strong? Therefore the spiritual master has to test. He has to give instructions to the disciple in such a way that such a disciple can become genuinely submissive. Not superficially. Then the disciple can become qualified. 
February 12, 1998, Almaty

February 11

A devotee should not try to question or understand everything about the Lord's plan, but it is the duty and responsibility of the devotee to simply be obedient to the Lord's plan.  Whatever the Lord asks of one, then one should be prepared to perform it.  In this way the surrendered soul who is always obedient to the will of the Lord will be instrumental in executing the Lord's plan, which is ultimately Krishna's desire and will manifest anyway.

SB 1.18.29
Montreal, Canada

February 10

We should be willing, especially for the sake of those who are dependent upon us, to speak the truth. That much you should do. In time, those who are dependent will have to decide for themselves what is truth and what is not truth. In that sense, they cannot be forced or legislated to accept the truth. In whomever their faith lies, they will accept the conclusions spoken by them.

February 10, 2003, Letter
