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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

March 30

And because the soul is eternal and Krishna is eternal, the message that Krishna is giving to Arjuna is accepted as absolute truth.

March 30, 1996, Ekaterinburg

March 29

The problem is that without sufficient realization of Krishna, we cannot trust anyone who appears to either need us or want us. The long chain of exploitation is carried from one experience to the next in this material world. Frustration goes deep, and we can easily turn towards impersonalism if we are not careful. Our only choice is to turn to Krishna.

March 29, 2002, Letter

March 28

So the vaishnava's nature is when he sees others who are engaged in activities which he knows will cause them so much suffering, he cries and begs them to please stop these activities so they will not have to suffer.

March 28, 2004, Kiev

March 27

Shelter can not be created by any kind of artificial arrangement. Shelter means that there has to be trust that this person understands me and can guide me to help me follow the instructions of my spiritual master.

March 27, 2004, Kiev – Meeting

March 26

Therefore we should not become like ostriches simply sticking our head in the sand, simply thinking about our own salvation. We must be prepared to see how others are suffering and must be prepared to help in a way which is within each and everyone's capacities to do by glorifying the Lord. That is the highest method of worship.

March 26, 1996, Suharevo

March 25

He rendered so much confidential service to Srila Prabhupada. So wherever Srila Prabhupada is, Tamala Krishna Maharaja is assisting him. That was always his mood throughout his life – to assist Srila Prabhupada.

March 25, 2002, Mayapur

March 24

So this is the most important principle in establishing places of pilgrimage, that the Srimad Bhagavatam must be spoken for the general welfare of human society. That was Srila Prabhupada's primary motivation.

March 24, 1992, Kiev

March 23

Your mind will always think that “Oh yes, I am the most qualified, I am more advanced than anyone else and because I am the most determined, that’s why I am the most advanced”. But the point is that if we always meditate on being the servant of the vaishnava, then one will understand that any achievement I’ve made, is only because I am his servant.

March 23, 1991, Minsk

March 22

Whether it is heaven, hell, or in liberation, the devotee rejects the idea that he can be happy without remembering Krishna. But he does not remember Krishna for his own happiness. He remembers Krishna because his mind cannot give up thoughts of Krishna for even a moment.

March 22, 2002, Letter

March 21

What are the eternally liberated souls doing? Krishna says "They are always chanting My glories, satatam kirtayanto mam, yatantas ca dradha vratah [Bg. 9.14]. They are bowing down before Me with great determination, worshiping Me. I am everything to them. They don’t know anyone but Me." And, Krishna says, “Because they don’t know anyone but Me, I don’t know anyone but them”. This is love. This love is not terminated at the end of this life.

March 21, 2004, Kiev
