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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

May 9

Actually, one cannot be happy as long as he endeavors for happiness, because as soon as he begins his endeavors for happiness, immediately his conditions for distress will begin. So this is a fruit of duality. If we don’t have Krishna consciousness, all we have is duality. And it is hell.

May 9, 2005, Kiev

May 8

We should never think that a preacher is successful by the number of followers he has. “Oh just see how much success he has. Look at the number of people who are following him and worshiping him.” Prabhupada has given the criteria for successful preaching. And a criterion of successful preaching is that others who associate with such a person become vaisnavas. Their hearts change. They also begin to see things on the spiritual platform. They also learn how to give up external judgement upon others.

May 8, 2005, Kiev

May 7

We should pray for such boons, for such benedictions as to be humbled in the presence of vaishnavas. The material tendency is always to be proud and think ourselves above others, but the safest place to keep ourselves is below, to keep ourselves always as a servant of the vaishnavas.

May 7, 2005, Kiev

May 6

The desire is naturally there within the heart to serve Krishna with full love, but bhajana kriya means to cultivate that desire. It is still not spontaneous. Therefore in the execution of these different duties which are prescribed in the scriptures, one actually has to have faith that by executing these duties all the subsidiary necessities will be fulfilled.
May 6, 2000, Kiev

May 5

If one actually wants to make progress in the execution of his duties that he is performing at home, in his work and anywhere else, topics about the Lord which are directly connected to the Lord must be heard. And that's what helps us to make advancement in Krishna consciousness.

May 5, 2001, Divnamorsk

May 4

We can not imitate an elevated vaishnava, but we should try to develop attachment for the association of vaishnavas, hanker for their association, feel separation when we are not in their association, be enthusiastic in anticipation to be in their association. That type of separation from vaishnavas will gradually intensify. And what manifests? We will become attached to the association of vaishnavas and hanker for their association. By the mercy of vaishnavas this attachment will grow. How will it grow? Gradually we will become attached more to the service of the Lord.

May 4, 2004, Dnepropetrovsk

May 3

Until that sudha sattva actually manifests within his heart, that is still at the conjunction between material and spiritual, and for anybody who is executing the process of sadhana bhakti, they should realize that is a dangerous position.

May 3, 2004, Dnepropetrovsk

May 2

Prabhupada used to quote the saying that:  “Caesar’s [Julius Caesar] wife has to be above suspicion.”  In other words, he used to give that example, that if we’re going to point out some fault, then we better be careful that we don't have the same fault.  Because, part of being a parent, a teacher, or a Spiritual Master, means that one also has to teach by, and correct by their example. 

May 2, 2000, Kiev

May 1

Mercy is available for the taking; one simply has to want it.  What is the symptom that one wants it?  That one is willing to cry for it.  That is the symptom if one really wants it. It is, to be willing to cry—not false tears, but those tears that manifest when a devotee has nobody to turn to but the Lord. 

May 1, 2000, Kiev

April 30

When we speak that the Lord is the supreme controller, we are speaking of Him being the supreme sanctioner. But what is His sanction? His sanction is “Yes, you can do it. Do it. You can do it.You want to do it? Do it.” So when the sanction is there, blessings are there and the potency is there. The will of the Lord is manifest. And therefore an empowered devotee carries the will of the Lord, because the Lord's blessings are fully there. So sometimes it may appear bewildering – who is doing all this?

April 30, 2000, Kiev
