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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

May 29

 Please approach householder life in a moral and responsible way. If you enter householder life in an enjoying spirit, the price that you will have to pay for that enjoyment can be costly. The best safeguard against such pressures is a strong commitment to hearing and chanting. That should always be your top priority.

May 29, 2001, Letter

May 28

So please do not see your new service as material management. The affairs of the temple are not ordinary material affairs. Everything is supposed to be centered around the service of Sri Sri Gaur Nitai. They are the worshipful Lords of all those who reside in that abode. Your duty is to help others remain conscious of that, and then you will not forget that yourself. Therefore first and foremost duty is to preach and everything else will follow.

May 28, 1996, Letter

May 27

We cannot place conditions upon the relationship with the spiritual master, just as we cannot place conditions on our relationship with the Lord. Then reciprocation is there, it manifests within the heart.

May 27, 1996, Moscow

May 26

But the point is that Lord Caitanya delivered many persons from the higher class of society and it was Lord Nityananda who was instructed by Lord Caitanya to travel through all Bengal to deliver the masses. So both must be educated in the science of Krishna consciousness. Therefore we have wide spread dissemination of Krishna conscious literature to create this more complete understanding of Krishna consciousness and therefore we must also preach to the leaders of human society to make them understand what is the ideal organization of human society.

May 26, 1994, Riga

May 25

One who is in a position of spiritual authority, he has to find fault. But also he has to be able to see the good. If he can’t see the good and if he can’t see the potential in the devotional service of others, then he is not qualified to point out their faults.

May 25, 1998, Sochi

May 24

If we cut ourselves off from giving, loving relationships, then we are left to deal with the enemies in the material world – lust, anger, and greed, which influence everything we do in this world and have an influence on all our attempts to have personal relationships.

May 24, 2009, Kiev

May 23

If a person can not control his mind and senses, why he should try to conquer everybody simply by criticism? First conquer the mind and senses and actually help others to become Krishna conscious. This is the real solution to the problem.

May 23, 1998, Novorossyisk

May 22

When the moon shines on the white lotus, what happens? The white lotus opens up from the light of the moon. Everything auspicious manifests. When the moon, the Holy Name, opens the white lotus within the heart, all auspiciousness will begin to manifest.

May 22, 2004, Kharkov

May 21

The inferior goal is when a person is attached to some idea for enjoyment; he connects everything for that idea of enjoyment, but that it’s all illusion. But when a person becomes attached to Krishna and becomes attached to the idea pleasing Krishna, he must connect everything he does to that goal. That is the best way to become detached.

May 21, 1998, Novorossyisk

May 20

You are right; one should not keep a superficial relationship with the spiritual master. Personal association certainly helps; but hearing from the spiritual master builds the foundation for the personal association. I am therefore making every effort to increase my availability to my disciples by providing recorded material and written material for this association—especially considering that it is becoming increasingly more difficult for me to maintain such a rigorous traveling schedule as I have been accustomed to for the last 15 years.

May 20, 2002 Letter
