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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

February 28

What were those components of surrender? Think of Krishna. Worship Krishna. Always offer prayers to Krishna. These were the components of surrender that Krishna was talking about when Krishna said, "Surrender unto Me." But Krishna taught that in a theoretical way, and therefore He had to come again to teach by His example, because an example is more powerful.

February 28, 2010, Budapest

February 27

We have to learn how to coexist with people and always be exemplary so that the devotees can see that actually if people complain, there is no substance to it, instead of trying to insist on driving them out. And something that is very, very important, is that you have to be very, very careful what you say about other devotees. When you are in a position of leadership, you have to be very, very careful, about criticizing devotees, even if their behaviour is wrong. You have to be very constructive. You should go directly to the person; the worst thing you can do is for them to hear that criticism about them, that you made, from somebody else.

1986 – 1989 Darshan

February 26

There are so many pitfalls to management. If one is not careful, he can easily fall into them without realizing how it has happened. But, if you do not allow the pressures of management to influence your chanting, your sadhana, and your reading of Srila Prabhupada's books, then you will have the strength to avoid these pitfalls.

February 26, 2003, Letter

February 25

That is how wonderful pure devotional service is,  that the pure devotee doesn't even aspire to live on the same planet as the Lord, have the same opulences as the Lord, to be the associate of the Lord. All he wants is the opportunity to serve. All he wants is the opportunity to remember the Lord.

February 25, 2004, Mayapur

February 24

Prana pratishtha is also a very important part of installation. We understand that where Srila Prabhupada installed the Deities, praying to the Lord to please come to accept the worship of these devotees and on the strenghth of his devotion then the Lord would agree to appear to manifest Himself in this form. So those who actually were taking part in prana pratishtha praying in this way to the Lord to manifest, praying on behalf of Srila Prabhupada. Especially since it was Prabhupada's desire for these Deities to manifest. Whatever desires Prabhupada had in spreading Krishna consciousness will all manifest in the cause of time. So there is no doubt that the Lord manifests Himself in this form.

February 24, 2004, Mayapur

February 23

So one should not derive satisfaction from whatever successful result is manifested by one's endeavours, but always trying to think that if there is anything good that can be seen by the results of one's endeavours, we should always try to link it, relate it, to where is the success actually coming from.  It has not come from my efforts, the real criteria of success in spiritual activities is that the seed of spiritual success has been planted by the disciplic succession.  The seed of success has been given on the order of the spiritual master, and comes down from Krishna. Therefore, when a devotee sees anything nice that has been manifested he always tries to connect it in this way instead of trying to derive satisfaction himself.  By so doing he can experience real satisfaction.

BG 3.8 -12

February 23

So one should not derive satisfaction from whatever successful result is manifested by one's endeavours, but always trying to think that if there is anything good that can be seen by the results of one's endeavours, we should always try to link it, relate it, to where is the success actually coming from.  It has not come from my efforts, the real criteria of success in spiritual activities is that the seed of spiritual success has been planted by the disciplic succession.  The seed of success has been given on the order of the spiritual master, and comes down from Krishna. Therefore, when a devotee sees anything nice that has been manifested he always tries to connect it in this way instead of trying to derive satisfaction himself.  By so doing he can experience real satisfaction.

BG 3.8 -12

February 22

But what does Krishna recognize? Krishna does not recognize the show, He doesn't recognize some grand performance. Krishna sees what is in the heart. Krishna recognizes the devotion. Krishna recognizes when the devotee is meek and humble and doesn't want this recognition. And that is what captures Krishna's attention. We should never think that Krishna is not looking. Krishna is in
the heart.

Time and place unknown

February 21

Real liberation from material desires is found when all desires are dovetailed for the satisfaction of Krishna. Because we can not nullify our desires, we must dovetail our desires. Therefore a devotee does not become a false renunciant. He does not artificially attempt to abolish his desires.

1990 Kiev

February 20

But if you actually want to serve a spiritual master, you will do what he asks. That's service. Therefore by rendering service in this way one comes closer to an understanding of the heart of such a vaisnava. This is how one can come closer to the spiritual master.

Time and place unknown
