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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

November 26

If you invest in something solid, you are going to get a good return. By the same principle, if you invest in somebody who has complete faith, it is as good as investing in Krishna. You are going to get a good return on that investment, even if all you have is something very small.

November 26, 2006, Ventura, California

November 25

If we are neglectful of our chanting we will not feel a connection with the spiritual master. We will think our connection depends upon some temporary connection, that my spiritual master is someone who comes to take care of my problems, but the root of all our problems is inattentive chanting.

November 25, 2001, St.Petersburg

November 24

Regarding a "method" to help you overcome the sadness of old age, the method is to arm yourself with the weapon of knowledge of the self. One has to gain this knowledge not only by study and hearing, but by practical engagement in a way that corresponds to one's status in life.

November 24, 1999, Letter

November 23

We cannot give up everything immediately, but we can start by taking one step. If we take one step forward and we see that actually “yes, I am experiencing that by following these instructions that my life is changing and I am getting some realization”, then we want to take another step. Before we can give up everything, we must be will to give up a little something.

So therefore there must be this process of inquiring and service. And gradually one will be able to understand that this person can give me Krishna.

November 23, 1991, St.Petersburg

November 21

That’s the worst situation to be in - to think that you can be happy and forget Krishna.

November 21, 2007, Boston

November 22

I gradually began to realize that when one reads something, or hears something spoken from the lips of a pure devotee of the Lord, if one is genuinely searching for the truth, then he will also get confirmation from within the heart that the words he is hearing are true. And when somebody gets confirmation within the heart about something which is absolutely true, it is very difficult to shed it, to give it up.

November 22, 2009, Budapest

November 20

Krishna actually cares for all of us, but we actually have to show Krishna that we want Him to care; otherwise He will let us do what we want.

November 20, 1998, Almaty

November 19

The great devotees are severely tested, but they pass the test. Krishna will never give a devotee a test that he cannot pass, but for the pure devotee Krishna may give a very severe test, but He does that to glorify His devotee.

November 19, 1998, Almaty

November 18

We received the holy name of the Lord from the spiritual master, we chant with faith and we serve that holy name by distributing the glories of the holy name of the Lord to others.

November 18, 2001, Moscow

November 17

The best way to improve the situation is to become part of the solution and not part of the problem. When devotees stay, voluntarily accept inconveniences, and mature in their Krishna consciousness, a temple will naturally improve. It becomes the kind of temple that new devotees will want to take shelter in and join. But if a temple is constantly drained by this whimsical moving around, the opposite effect will always take place.

November 17, 1995, Letter
