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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

June 2

As long as we remain on the platform of nama-aparadha, however, which is described as “bahu janma”, we will not be able to achieve love of God even after millions of lifetimes of chanting. We must become free of the ten offenses.

Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, p. 182, Minsk, 5.19.2002

June 1

Even if we chant namabhasa, we can still experience a certain amount of bliss. We can even be elevated enough to attain Vaikuntha. But if we want to achieve the Lord’s full presence, imbued with our rasa or relationship with Him, and thus become qualified to enter into the topmost abode, Goloka Vrndavana, then we have to chant suddha-nama.

Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, p. 182, Minsk, 5.19.2002

May 31

Attracting the attention of Krishna should be the goal of everything a devotee does. By attracting the Lord’s attention, a devotee invokes His presence.

Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, p. 181, Minsk, 5.19.2002

May 30

A Vaishnava’s only interest is to attract the Lord. Material qualities do not attract the Lord. What attracts the Lord is humility, pridelessness, tolerance, and simplicity.

Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, p. 178, Minsk, 5.19.2002

May 29

If we throw pearls before swine, the swine will trample them. This is because these animals do not know the real value of what we have presented. Similarly, those who do not understand the value of the Lord’s holy name will offend the holy name.

Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, p. 177, Minsk, 5.19.2002

May 28

Sometimes people chant Hare Krishna so that they will be recognized as great devotees. If they are chanting for personal recognition, then how can they simultaneously concentrate on glorifying the Lord? The two states of mind are opposed.

Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, p. 176, Minsk, 5.19.2002

May 27

It is difficult for proud persons to constantly glorify Krishna because they are too busy thinking of self-glorification. Self-glorification goes completely against the principle of glorifying the Lord.

Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, p. 176, Minsk, 5.19.2002

May 26

The perfection is kirtaniyah sada harih, constant chanting of the Lord’s names. To achieve it, one actually has to be ornamented with the four qualities described in this third verse of the Siksastakam. If we cannot develop these qualities, then we will not be able to remain absorbed in chanting.

Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, p. 176, Minsk, 5.19.2002

May 25

Vaisnavas are satisfied to see others pleased by chanting Hare Krishna. Srila Prabhupada would have a big smile whenever he watched us in kirtana.

Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, p. 175, Minsk, 5.19.2001

May 24

We should always think how we can continue chanting with enthusiasm. Enthusiastic chanting is not something that simply takes place on festival occasions. Enthusiastic chanting has to take place every day of our lives. The more we begin to relish the chanting, the more we will develop the qualities necessary for us to continue relishing the holy name.

Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, p. 175, Minsk, 5.19.2001
