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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

May 13

We must place our faith in the pure holy name. It is that pure holy name that will deliver us from the material world and bring us to the lotus feet of Krishna.

Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, p. 160, Kiev, 11.15.2001

May 12

We should want to establish and maintain our eternal relationship with the Lord. Unfortunately, we have forgotten that relationship. At the time of initiation, the spiritual master helps us awaken our remembrance by giving us the holy name—the means to remember Him—and instructing us to chant the holy name with great faith.

Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, p. 159, Kiev, 11.15.2001

May 11

A disciple must understand how all instructions given by the spiritual master have a relationship with the holy name. Why? Because connection between guru and disciple is formed on the basis of the holy name. It is the holy name which purifies our hearts; it is the holy name which delivers us from the material world; it is the holy name which establishes our relationship with the Lord. We are forever dependent upon our relationship with the holy name. 

Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, p. 159, Kiev, 11.15.2001

May 10

If one is looking at Mount Everest from a distance, all he will see is a very high peak. As he comes closer, though, he will see that there are many subordinate peaks, hills and mountains that are surrounding Mount Everest. Similarly, when we see only one person who is the source of inspiration for us, that means that we are far away, because we cannot see that there are many other persons who are also assisting him and fulfilling a similar function of giving us inspiration, knowledge and care. We should try to get closer by seeing that through Krishna’s arrangement, there are many others who can help us. We are meant to have relationships with them too. Shelter also comes from the association of our peers.

(Lectures From a Disciple Vol 3, Vol 3, Organized versus Unorganized Preaching , Pg 397,  5th Paragraph)

May 9

There are different ways to organize things throughout the movement. However, organization alone will not successfully spread Krishna consciousness. Certainly we need organizers, but we also need spiritual vision. Prabhupada explained that if preaching is there, then management will follow like a shadow. In other words, if devotees are giving Krishna consciousness to others, then inspiration will be there to be organized. Devotees will naturally want to do their service in best way that they can. Devotees will be inspired to put their energies, efforts, intelligence, wealth, and everything else that they have towards Krishna’s service.
(Lectures From a Disciple Vol 3, Vol 3, Organized versus Unorganized Preaching , Pg 396, 4th and 5th Paragraph)

May 8

Certainly a disciple should be eager to receive service from the spiritual master, and often the spiritual master does give such orders. However, we should understand that the most relevant instructions are those which will carry us through our journey in the material world all the way back to Godhead.

Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, p. 159

May 7

We have to make the effort to at least rise to the namabhasa platform. From there we can make progress toward suddha-nama. We have to overcome weakness of heart and ignorance.

Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, p. 157

May 6

If we continue to offend the name and do not try to free ourselves from our offensive natures, then we will remain at the stage of nama-aparadha and will never attain love of God.

Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, p. 157

May 5

Lord Caitanya is the most merciful incarnation: He will not accept offenses. We are chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra by His mercy, and this chanting is the yuga-dharma. Lord Caitanya is the yuga-avatara, and therefore, we can take shelter of His feet when we chant.

Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, p. 156

May 4

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati considered chanting with love our siddha-pranali. We should devote this one lifetime to achieving this goal.

Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, p. 155
