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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

March 23

If we don’t associate with advanced chanters in order to stop our offenses, we may even give up our japa. We will forget the purpose behind the chanting and think that there are more important things to do. 

Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, p. 127

March 22

A devotee who thinks about the goal of chanting will always emphasize the importance of his japa. He’ll know that although he is progressing slowly, his chanting has purpose.

Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, p. 127

March 21

All the profound secrets of Krishna consciousness and devotional service will be revealed through faithful chanting.

Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, p. 126


March 20

Please know that the holy name contains everything. The Lord’s holy name is our life. We are meant to perform our devotional service in relation to the holy name. All our progress is gauged against our relationship with the holy name.

Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, p. 125

March 19

Chanting is the only way to become free of offenses. We should not think that because we are offensive, we would be better off not chanting at all. There is no way to become free of offenses except to chant with the proper attitude.

Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, p. 125

March 15

What could possibly be a more important engagement in Sri Dhama Mayapura than to immerse ourselves in nama sankirtan—the means by which we increase our hankering for tasting the unlimited nectar of the pure holy name? I therefore pray that all of you will taste this nectar during this year's festival in Mayapura and that you will carry this nectar back to your respective preaching fields to share it with others. That is what our Krishna consciousness movement is all about.

Collected Letters to Friends and disciples Vol 3, Pg 202

March 14

I will never reject a disciple due to their own weakness of heart.

Collected Letters to Friends and disciples Vol 3, Pg 200

March 13

Krishna wants only your love. He does not care about anything else. Just do something for Him. Chant for His pleasure. Pray for His pleasure. Hear His pastimes for His pleasure. Do not do these things because you "have" to do it. Each day, just dedicate some time to do something for Krishna's pleasure. A little leaf, flower, or water, if offered with love and devotion, will be accepted by Him.

Collected Letters to Friends and disciples Vol 3, Pg 198

March 12

When you do something for Krishna's pleasure, Krishna reciprocates with that loving attitude of His devotee. What comes in return cannot be compared to anything else within this entire cosmic manifestion. It is the experience of love that Krishna has for each and every one of His parts and parcels. If we want to experience this genuine love, we simply must offer something to Krishna with love.

Collected Letters to Friends and disciples Vol 3, Pg 199

March 11

Difficulties are something that each and every devotee must contend with as they make progress in Krishna consciousness. Your difficulties are not an exception. But, as long as there is a spark of desire to overcome them with Krishna conscious solutions, there is always hope. My efforts to fan that spark will always be there. 

Collected Letters to Friends and disciples Vol 3, Pg 197
