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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

March 10

Many devotees have left the apparent poverty of the former Soviet Union with the hopes of gaining financial security in the West, but the result is that once having gone to the West, in some cases, they may temporarily obtain a few more assets than what they had in in the CIS, but they lose their enthusiasm for bhakti.

Collected Letters to Friends and disciples Vol 3, Pg 194-195

March 9

We cannot force ourselves into Vrajalila. We must qualify ourselves for Vrajalila by hearing about the transcendental lilas of Vraja from the mouths of sadhus and by praying for the qualification to gain entrance.

Collected Letters to Friends and disciples Vol 3, Pg 187

March 8

In order to be able to understand Vrindavana, we must seek help from those who are absorbed in the mood of Vrindavana, especially by hearing those pastimes which are eternally manifest in Vrindavana.

Collected Letters to Friends and disciples Vol 3, Pg 187

March 7

Determination is the necessary price for progressing in spiritual life. Material solutions provide temporary relief, but, ultimately, they will always end in further suffering and entanglement. The intelligent person seeks solutions in Krishna consciousness. Krishna knows best how to fulfill our desires.

Collected Letters to Friends and disciples Vol 3, Pg 186-187

March 6

You cannot see a devotee by any external criteria like dress, hairstyle, or even language. You can only see a devotee or understand who is a devotee by how much he really thinks of Krishna and how is absorbed in Krishna consciousness.

MKV, Feb 2011, pg.19, Absorption is the essence of Krishna consciousness, Hartford, May 28, 2010

March 5

Krishna consciousness is more than a physical culture or a sociological movement, it is the culture of absorption. The whole point of Krishna consciousness is to absorb our mind. Krishna consciousness is also called bhakti-yoga. It means that we absorb our mind in Krishna through the process of bhakti or loving devotion.

MKV, Feb 2011, pg.18, Absorption is the essence of Krishna consciousness, Hartford, May 28, 2009

March 4

Chanting is the most important activity that we perform every day. For one who is sadhaka, or one who actually is engaged in practicing bhakti-yoga, chanting Hare Krishna every day is the most important.  

MKV, Feb 2011, pg.16, Absorption is the essence of Krishna consciousness, Hartford, May 28, 2008

March 3

In Caitanya Caritamrita it is stated that one should learn the truth and the beauty of the Holy name by hearing the revealed scriptures from the mouths of Vaisnavas. There’s no other way to taste the sweetness of Krishna’s Holy name.

Transcription of a lecture given in St. Petersburg, Russia on August 1, 2013 from the "Teachings of Queen Kunti" - Bewildering Pastimes

March 2

Devotees understand the importance of regularly hearing Hari-katha, the glories of pure devotional service. When they actually make it their daily nourishment, they will see that this is the method of dealing with all of those attachments.

Transcription of a lecture given in St. Petersburg, Russia on August 1, 2013 from the "Teachings of Queen Kunti" - Bewildering Pastimes

March 1

If one tries to forget the shelter of Krishna’s lotus feet and wanders about into all other activities, it will only lead to suffering. That’s all. An intelligent person should avoid these things.

Transcription of a lecture given in St. Petersburg, Russia on August 1, 2013 from the "Teachings of Queen Kunti" - Bewildering Pastimes
