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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

January 30

Krishna can never be reduced to one little simple formula – He is inconceivable, and one has to accept that if one wants to get out of this material world. Unless one accepts the inconceivable potencies of the Lord, he will never be able to get out of maya. With our puny little brains we try to reduce Krishna to someone who we can so fully understand that we can predict everything. But Krishna always has the upper hand. That's what makes Him different from us. He is God and we are not.

Transcription of the lecture on Srimad Bhagavatam 5.25.13-15, delivered on March 14, 2017 in Kiev, Ukraine

January 29

Hopefully, all of you present here understand that the material world is a place of suffering. If that realization is not there, it is very difficult to take to spiritual life, because as Srila Prabhupada states here in the commentary of the verse today, quoting Bhaktivinoda Thakura, “I do not know when I began my material life, but I can certainly experience that I have fallen into a deep ocean of nescience.”

Transcription of the lecture on Srimad Bhagavatam 5.25.13-15, delivered on March 14, 2017 in Kiev, Ukraine

January 28

Even one moment of surrender has a permanent result. That is the power of devotional service. 

Transcription of a Lecture Given on 09.11.04 in Minsk, Belarus

January 27

If one is actually genuinely sincere, it means that he wants to advance in devotional service and increase his dependence on the Lord. Because he has at least enough experience to know that by taking shelter in artificial temporary arrangements - there is no shelter there.

Transcription of a Lecture Given on 09.11.04 in Minsk, Belarus

January 26

So in all respects we are dependent upon the mercy of Nityananda Balarama to become qualified to dance in the spiritual world and to be fully engaged in loving devotional service to the Lord.

Transcription of a Lecture Given on Balarama Purnima, August 26, 2018, in Almaty, Kazakhstan


January 25

Akhanda guru tattva means that Lord Balarama manifests Himself as guru in an unlimited variety of forms. And it is the service of guru to give one the strength to cross over the ocean of material existence to enter into the spiritual world.

Transcription of a Lecture Given on Balarama Purnima, August 26, 2018, in Almaty, Kazakhstan

January 24

The spiritual master must represent the predecessor spiritual masters. Only by representing the predecessor spiritual master can one strive to achieve the Lord by the right means.

Transcription of a Lecture Given on Balarama Purnima, August 26, 2018, in Almaty, Kazakhstan

January 23

The spiritual master is certainly very merciful to his disciples, and consequently by satisfying him a devotee gets strength from the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu therefore says, guru-krsna-prasade paya bhakti-lata-bija: [Cc. Madhya 19.151] one must first please the spiritual master, and then one automatically pleases Krsna and gets the strength with which to cross the ocean of nescience.

Transcription of a Lecture Given on Balarama Purnima, August 26, 2018, in Almaty, Kazakhstan

January 22

Prabhupada says that this material world is kuntha. It is a place of anxiety. It cannot be avoided. Everything in this world is temporary and the eternal living entity is going to have to be in anxiety about losing that which he is attached to. So he struggles with this illusory energy. A devotee therefore prays. "Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare/ Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare." He's praying to Krsna. He's praying to Lord Balarama. "Please give me the strength so that I may be engaged in Krsna's service." He's praying to Srimati Radharani. Please engage me in Krsna's service. He's looking for strength. This is his struggle.

Transcription of a Lecture Given on Balarama Purnima, August 26, 2018, in Almaty, Kazakhstan

January 21

Attachment. One by one. Hostility. Greed. Lamentation, illusion, fear, madness, false prestige, insult, fault-finding, deception, envy, intolerance, passion, bewilderment, hunger, sleep. All of these are enemies. We should struggle to find the spiritual strength to overcome these enemies. That much struggling we have to do. If we don't struggle for that, we'll have to struggle with material nature, which is very hard on the living entity, and causes so much anxiety.
