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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

February 8

Without faith that the holy name is everything, that the holy name can clean my heart, that the holy name can bestow full mercy upon me, it is very difficult to focus the mind on the holy name with confidence and thus consistently. Therefore I need to not only chant carefully, but I need to hear the glories of the holy name from Srila Prabhupada and other advanced Vaisnavas.

Blog "Meditations on the Holy Name", 2009-04-29 (Interview for Dhanurdhara Swami's book "Japa Meditations, Contemplations on Entering the Holy Name")

February 7

The holy name is more effective when chanted with faith. I often use the example that because the holy name has been given to us through the lips of Krishna's pure devotee, it is imbued with all the necessary potency to manifest Krishna-prema, pure love of God. I have that deep confidence, the firm faith in Srila Prabhupada's empowerment to deliver the holy name – that he is kali kalera dharma Krishna nama-sankirtana Krishna sakti vina nahe tara pravartana

Blog "Meditations on the Holy Name", 2009-04-29 (Interview for Dhanurdhara Swami's book "Japa Meditations, Contemplations on Entering the Holy Name")

February 6

The consciousness that I have thus been trying to cultivate while chanting is the feeling of unworthiness to chant the holy name purely, the feeling of inability to be fully engaged in devotional service, and the feeling of insufficiency in love for Krishna.

Blog "Meditations on the Holy Name", 2009-04-29 (Interview for Dhanurdhara Swami's book "Japa Meditations, Contemplations on Entering the Holy Name")

February 5

The most effective way of removing Maya's powerful grip is by fixing our consciousness on our eternal nature in the mood of service to the Supreme. Krsna is the Supreme enjoyer and I am His servant. We must remind ourselves of this constantly by always chanting the Lord's Holy Names.

Blog "I am Krsna's Servant",  2009-04-14


February 4

A devotee does not like to hear himself praised. It's too easy to forget that one is always a servant and never the enjoyer. Therefore how could one enjoy hearing praise?

Blog "I am Krsna's Servant",  2009-04-14


February 4

A devotee does not like to hear himself praised. It's too easy to forget that one is always a servant and never the enjoyer. Therefore how could one enjoy hearing praise?

Blog "I am Krsna's Servant",  2009-04-14


February 3

We should pray to serve the Lord and to please Him. Not only by getting the opportunity to taste the sweet name, but eagerly being given the opportunity to distribute it for the welfare of everyone. This is real service to the holy name.

Transcription of Srimad Bhagavatam class in Mayapura on February 18, 2015, SB 6.17.30

February 2

A devotee is happy to hear the inconceivable pastimes of the Lord, because the more he hears about the inconceivable pastimes of the Lord, the more his love for the Lord increases. The more he remembers the Lord, the more he desires to serve the Lord and the more he becomes qualified to become an eternal associate of the Lord. By the inconceivable potencies of the Supreme Lord, even that which is inconceivable can be understood. 

Transcription of the lecture on Srimad Bhagavatam 5.25.13-15, delivered on March 14, 2017 in Kiev, Ukraine

February 1

The more one wants to serve Krishna, the more Krishna becomes satisfied with the devotee’s desire to serve Him that He reveals more and more of His inconceivable nature into the heart of that devotee, because a devotee always wants to serve the Lord. He does not look for excuses not to serve the Lord. He knows that under all circumstances the Lord is worthy of my service now and forever.

Transcription of the lecture on Srimad Bhagavatam 5.25.13-15, delivered on March 14, 2017 in Kiev, Ukraine

January 31

The difference between a devotee and empiricists is that they cannot accept submission to the inconceivable potencies of the Lord. But when a devotee sees the inconceivable potencies of the Lord, he thinks how wonderful Krishna is. “Krishna is so wonderful.” That is the difference between a devotee and an empiricist – a devotee accepts that Krishna is so wonderfully inconceivable.

Transcription of the lecture on Srimad Bhagavatam 5.25.13-15, delivered on March 14, 2017 in Kiev, Ukraine
