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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

January 20

The knowledge and strength to cross over the material existence is coming from Krsna and Balarama. Balarama is Adi-guru, the original guru, He is the original source of all spiritual strength. If one wishes to get spiritual strength, he must take shelter of guru and predecessor gurus.

Transcription of a Lecture Given on Balarama Purnima, August 26, 2018, in Almaty, Kazakhstan

January 19

How can we overcome the illusory energy by our own strength? A devotee never thinks, "I am spiritually strong by my own endeavors." He knows that whatever spiritual strength he has, has been given to him because he is taking shelter of spiritual strength.

Transcription of a Lecture Given on Balarama Purnima, August 26, 2018, in Almaty, Kazakhstan


January 18

One requires spiritual strength in order to understand Krishna and to enter the spiritual world. Prabhupada says that we are not talking about physical strength. Spiritual strength is the strength to overcome the influence of the modes of material nature, to cross the ocean of material existence, and to become qualified to enter into that supreme abode which is unmanifest and infallible.

Transcription of a Lecture Given on Balarama Purnima, August 26, 2018, in Almaty, Kazakhstan

January 17

People need to be properly trained before entering householder life, just as a person is properly trained before driving a car. 

Kiev, National Counselor Retreat (Vyasa puja journal, Jan 2010, pg 54)

January 16

If you actually want to take care of others, one of the first responsibilities you find yourself having to take is the responsibility to be a good example.

Kiev, National Counselor Retreat (Vyasa puja journal, Jan 2010, pg 50)

January 15

We should all aspire that we can live this life in subordination to a devotee of the Lord, and give up the foolish idea that we can be independent in this material world. It will not happen. It cannot happen. And the only way to become free from that illusion is to take shelter of the mercy of the devotees. That is the greatest fortune.

2009-11-04, Minsk, "What is actual independence" (Vyasa puja journal, Jan 2010, pg 47)

January 14

Krsna doesn't need our service. He wants more than anything else to give us the taste of independence, the taste of devotional service to Him. He wants so much for others to taste it, that He even wants to taste it Himself.

2009-11-04, Minsk, "What is actual independence" (Vyasa puja journal, Jan 2010, pg 46)

January 13

Krishna is totally subordinate to His devotees. Krishna gives them the greatest independence to serve Krishna however they like. And Krishna reciprocates fully with however they want to serve Him - totally subordinate to them. It is the greatest independence. It is the only way you can do what you really want to do. If you try to become independent in this material world, it is simply an illusion.  

2009-11-04, Minsk, "What is actual independence" (Vyasa puja journal, Jan 2010, pg 45-46)

January 12

As long as we are conditioned, we have a material body and we have not established our eternal connection with the Lord, we are incomplete. And because we are incomplete we are always looking for something to compensate that incompleteness. Only those who are self-satisfied are complete.

2009-11-04, Minsk, "What is actual independence" (Vyasa puja journal, Jan 2010, pg 37)

January 11

The desire to become independent in this world means to become a servant of someone else. The only real independence the living entity has is only when he is fully dependent on the Lord. If he is not fully dependent upon the Lord, then he can never really be independent. 

2009-11-04, Minsk, "What is actual independence" (Vyasa puja journal, Jan 2010, pg 37)
