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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

February 18

Somehow this place, this ashram, these women, these circumstances, it's what you are being given right now as your test. And when you can actually accept it, it will become an opportunity for you to move on and then there will be more tests. But it's all because Krishna wants you, more than anything else, to come back to Him. He wants to make this your last visit to the material world. And he's going to make sure that every test that you get, He'll do His best to help you and give you the strength to overcome it so that you can remove all of these obstacles on your path, and go back to Godhead.

Conversation with a disciple, 2017-11-27

February 17

Internal changes can only come by learning how to accept the situation that Krishna has put you in and to see that it's Krishna's will. "There is no other reason to explain why I'm here? Why I'm doing this?  It's been sanctioned by Krishna and if it's been sanctioned by Krishna, and if it's His will, I have to learn to accept it. And if He wants a different situation for me, then He'll arrange it."

Conversation with a disciple, 2017-11-27

February 16

Krishna knows what's going on in our hearts. And Krishna will never do anything that's bad for us. And when we increase our hearing about Krishna, the more we see His presence in our life, and the more we become grateful. And then the more we become grateful, the more Krishna massages our hearts and we actually feel his presence more and more in our life, and we become peaceful.

Conversation with a disciple, 2017-11-27

February 15

If the only reason one chants is the obligation to do it, then how long will one be able to carry on? Devotees need to go deeper than "I am obligated to chant" or it will be very difficult to keep up that commitment. There is a need to go beyond thinking that success in chanting is simply "I have finished 16 rounds."

Blog "Meditations on the Holy Name", 2009-04-29 (Interview for Dhanurdhara Swami's book Japa Meditations: Contemplations on Entering the Holy Name)

February 14

Gratitude is very important. It naturally stimulates one to serve, and to feelingly chant Krishna's name. One should feel grateful for the smallest realization, the smallest reciprocation from the holy name.

Blog "Meditations on the Holy Name", 2009-04-29 (Interview for Dhanurdhara Swami's book Japa Meditations: Contemplations on Entering the Holy Name)

February 13

This mood of utter helplessness - "I am totally dependent on Your mercy, although I am unqualified for it" - should always be kept at every stage of a devotee's advancement in Krishna consciousness, for as soon as one thinks that he is in any way advanced, his sense of dependence quickly diminishes. One also naturally loses his sense of gratitude.

Blog "Meditations on the Holy Name", 2009-04-29 (Interview for Dhanurdhara Swami's book Japa Meditations: Contemplations on Entering the Holy Name)

February 12

Chanting should be performed with some feeling, whether the emotion is hankering for Krishna, remorse, repentance, eagerness to chant more attentively, remembrance of our favorite pastime or whatever. When there is some feeling our chanting becomes less mechanical and more spontaneous.

Blog "Meditations on the Holy Name", 2009-04-29 (Interview for Dhanurdhara Swami's book Japa Meditations: Contemplations on Entering the Holy Name)

February 11

If one is actually genuinely sincere, it means that he wants to advance in devotional service and increase his dependence on the Lord. Because he has at least enough experience to know that by taking shelter in artificial temporary arrangements - there is no shelter there.

Transcription of a Lecture Given on 09.11.04 in Minsk, Belarus

February 10

A devotee should think that the Lord is very kind, more merciful than one can imagine and because of that mercy He is manifested in His name. One should meditate on verses like kali kale nama rupa Krishna avatara nama haite haya sarva jagat nistara, "The Lord incarnates in this age of kali in the form of His name and anyone who associates with this name is associating with Krishna directly and certainly becomes delivered."

Blog "Meditations on the Holy Name", 2009-04-29 (Interview for Dhanurdhara Swami's book "Japa Meditations, Contemplations on Entering the Holy Name")

February 9

Purification manifests to the degree one opens the heart to the holy name.

Blog "Meditations on the Holy Name", 2009-04-29 (Interview for Dhanurdhara Swami's book "Japa Meditations, Contemplations on Entering the Holy Name")
