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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

April 12

Everyone in this world is looking for self-esteem, but what greater sense of self-esteem can we gain other than realizing that we are pleasing to the greatest personality?

Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, p. 135

April 11

The value of our lives is directly proportional to our ability to give the Lord pleasure.

Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, p. 134-135

11 апреля

Ценность нашей жизни прямо пропорциональна нашей способности доставлять удовольствие Господу.

Лекции ученика, том 1

April 10

If we think we can overcome our anarthas alone, we are wrong. We will give up long before the job is finished. If we can associate with devotees who can help us understand where to start to improve, nothing is more important.

Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, p. 133

April 9

Although Krishna’s holy name is self-effulgent and the reservoir of all pleasure, why do we not experience that pleasure? Our minds and hearts are covered by the clouds of anarthas. Burn up the clouds and clear them away if you want to see Krishna.

Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, p. 133

April 8

We should try to chant continuously, and, in the mean time, increase our knowledge about the nature of our offenses so that we can gradually free ourselves from them.

Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, p. 131

April 7

How can something not have a direct relationship with Krishna? Whenever we see the particular object as meant for our own pleasure. If we are seeing something as meant to please our senses, we will find it impossible to simultaneously see it as meant for Krishna’s pleasure.

Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, p. 129

April 6

Actually, one of the primary characteristics of a devotee (svarupa-laksana) is krsnaika-sarana, that he is surrendered to Krishna. Surrender includes seeing everything as both connected to Krishna and meant for His pleasure; a surrendered devotee does not try to enjoy matter him or herself.

Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, p. 129

March 25

Krsna’s name is never contaminated by material qualities. There is no question of Krsna’s name ever being in contact with maya. Krsna’s name is forever eternal and always free from matter.

Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, p. 128

March 24

If we were to truly see the relationship between Krishna and matter, we would find it impossible to be attached to anything but Krishna. We say we’re attached to matter because of its relationship with Krishna, but that doesn’t seem to be the case for most of us.

Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, p. 129
