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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

February 28

The symptom of life is to be attached. The Vaisnavas are so kind that they are giving us what we should be attached to even before we realize it, even before we have the desire to want it. They are giving it even before we’ve asked for it.

Transcription of a lecture given in St. Petersburg, Russia on August 1, 2013 from the "Teachings of Queen Kunti" - Bewildering Pastimes

February 27

Bhakti-lata-bija is the seed of pure devotional service. When that seed of pure devotional service is planted and awakened, then nourishment has to continue. What does nourishment mean? It means that one has to continue hearing about pure devotional service.

Transcription of a lecture given in St. Petersburg, Russia on August 1, 2013 from the "Teachings of Queen Kunti" - Bewildering Pastimes

February 26

We should always feel very grateful to those devotees who are instrumental in helping us come to Srila Prabhupada’s lotus feet.

Transcription of a lecture given in St. Petersburg, Russia on August 1, 2013 from the "Teachings of Queen Kunti" - Bewildering Pastimes

February 25

The Vaishnava knows that he is incessantly, constantly, continuously and always dependent upon the mercy of the Lord and the mercy of the Lord's devotees.

Transcription of a Srimad Bhagavatam class given at the Baltics Winter Festival on January 19, 2013

February 24

Prabhupada says, “Devotional service here and devotional service in the spiritual world is the same.” If we want to go to the spiritual world, we better be prepared to associate with devotees.

Transcription of a Srimad Bhagavatam class given at the Baltics Winter Festival on January 19, 2013

February 23

For the devotee of the Lord, his aim in life, his progress is “How much am I proceeding along the path to achieve that goal? Am I making progress in spiritual life? Am I actually associating with devotees?”, because association is more than just simple physical proximity.

Transcription of a Srimad Bhagavatam class given at the Baltics Winter Festival on January 19, 2013

February 22

Prabhupada was carrying more than just the duty to execute the order [of his Guru Maharaja]. He was carrying a deep desire to give Krishna and to make Krishna accessible to others. He didn't only want to make them understand. He wanted to awaken their faith, sraddha, and by his own example, he wanted to build that faith from sraddha all the way to prema.

Vyasa puja journal, Jan 2010, pg 57

February 21

The consciousness that I have thus been trying to cultivate while chanting is the feeling of unworthiness to chant the holy name purely, the feeling of inability to be fully engaged in devotional service, and the feeling of insufficiency in love for Krishna.

Blog "Meditations on the Holy Name", 2009-04-29 (Interview for Dhanurdhara Swami's book "Japa Meditations, Contemplations on Entering the Holy Name")

February 20

We never experienced anything else in Prabhupada's presence other than that bubbling desire to give Krishna. And that's what captured our hearts, and that's what makes us want to make this life successful by doing something to make Prabhupada smile. And if some day we can become so blessed to be able to do that which he wants us to do, then that's the only reason why we live in this world. There is nothing else.

Vyasa puja journal, Jan 2010, pg 59


February 19

Without ceto darpana marjanam, without a cleaning of the heart, you will not be able to see Krishna in His name. So it begins with cleaning the heart, which you are doing. But you have to continue the cleaning process. And to continue the cleaning process means that whatever obstacle you are facing right now in your spiritual life, you need to be able to overcome it. And if you don't overcome it, it will hinder your progress in being able to experience Krishna in His name. He won't reveal. He only reveals Himself to those whose hearts are clean.

Conversation with a disciple, 2017-11-27
