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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

June 12

The desire for fame and recognition is an anarthа. Anarthas obstruct our view of Krsna and His pure holy name, just as clouds block our ability to see the sun.

Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, p. 192, Minsk, 5.19.2001

June 11

Every Vaisnava wants to expand people’s awareness of the holy names mercy, so they may write many books or preach widely in some other way, even if their spiritual master did not. As long as a devotee is preaching in accordance with parampara, it still qualifies as a humble act.

Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, p. 190, Minsk, 5.19.2001

June 10

A pure chanter never sees the world as meant for his own enjoyment. Rather, he sees the world and everything in it as meant for Krsna’s pleasure. Because a devotee takes a submissive position in hearing and chanting, never abandoning the maha-mantra, which he received from his spiritual master, he is
neither eager nor interested in propagating new ideas or opinions.

Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, p. 189, Minsk, 5.19.2001


June 9

According to the Bhagavatam, devotees who remain absorbed in hearing and chanting about Krsna do not suffer material miseries — not because the miseries are not present in this world, but because they are so absorbed in spiritual relishing.

Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, p. 187-188, Minsk, 5.19.2001

June 7

Krishna wants us to seek His mercy by endeavoring to please Him.

Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, p. 187, Minsk, 5.19.2002

June 6

If we chant in good association, we will develop taste for chanting by the mercy of the advanced Vaishnavas, and thus we will strengthen our determination. Our desire to become free from offenses will become stronger, and we will hope to one day experience the full holy name.

Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, p. 186, Minsk, 5.19.2002

June 6

If we chant in good association, we will develop taste for chanting by the mercy of the advanced Vaishnavas, and thus we will strengthen our determination. Our desire to become free from offenses will become stronger, and we will hope to one day experience the full holy name.

Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, p. 186, Minsk, 5.19.2002

June 5

Bhaktivinoda Thakura tells us that there are three requirements for those who actually want to reach pure chanting: We must chant in the association of devotees who relish the holy name, we have to remove ourselves from all distractions, external and internal, and we must be steady and determined in our chanting.

Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, p. 186, Minsk, 5.19.2002

June 4

Recently, a devotee asked me “When a preacher goes to some place and people say, ‘Please come back,’ how does he not feel the natural rise of pride in his achievement of attracting them to Krishna?” This is easily reconciled by the devotee’s unwillingness to claim the credit for his preaching, and for his overwhelming desire to share the glories of the Lord with others. A Vaishnava always offers his obeisances to his superiors in his mind before speaking to others, then offers obeisances to his audience.

Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, p. 183-184, Minsk, 5.19.2003

June 3

A devotee does not want to be respected. If such respect comes, he accepts it, but he does not seek it out.

Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, p. 183, Minsk, 5.19.2002
